Monday, March 18, 2013

Tommy's Team

Last year, forming Tommy's Team was a no brainer for me. Although the weather failed on us, with grey rainy skies, it was a beautiful day. One of the best I've had. To see all those people out there supporting us, supporting our cause--making it their own--was a feeling I can't quite describe.
This year has been a little different. So far, Tommy is still successfully off his medicine and although we hold our breath, breathing becomes a little easier each day.
Yet, epilepsy is still so prevalent, even if we no longer fill a medicine dropper two times a day for Tommy, even if he hasn't had a seizure in over a year. My best friend Keli's daughter was just recently diagnosed with epilepsy. As I texted with her and felt her pain from seeing an otherwise normal, healthy child go through all that she did in a single day, I thought back to our day of tests when Tommy was first diagnosed... and how no parent should have to go through that. But they do. Daily. Like it was for us, it is for them--unfair.
Friday, Shane came home from a work after talking to a student whose sister is epileptic. Like Tommy, she seemed to outgrow it around the age of four. Then when she went through puberty, the seizures came back and she had to go back on medication. In this way, epilepsy is one of the worst monsters ever, because it can lie in wait for years. And in this way, I know we will always be looking over our shoulders waiting for it to strike again.

For these reasons and so many more, we will walk again. To raise money so that someday, no parent will have to go through those tests again. Or that maybe when they do, someone will say to them, "Here is what we can do. Your child will never have another seizure again."

If you live in the area, I would love to have you walk with us. If you walked with us last year and have your shirt, please wear it again. I don't have a sponsor for shirts this year, but I'm going to do my best to get shirts for anyone new who is walking with us. If you can't walk with us, but would like to support our team, there are many things you can do. Donations of even the smallest variety are appreciated.

This year, we have some wonderful people supporting our team, too. Shrinking Jeans is currently hosting a DietBet weight loss challenge. It just started four days ago and runs for twenty-four more days, so you have lots of time to join and attempt to win the cash prize at the end. This is a great chance to jump start your spring weight loss. When Christy and Lissa emailed me and said they'd like to donate a portion of the earnings to Tommy's Team, I was beyond touched.
Another amazing piece of support is this beautiful necklace, created by Cameron. When she emailed me to ask if I was interested in her designing a necklace where the proceeds would go to support Tommy's Team, I was so touched and excited and well, I couldn't wait to buy one myself. Cam and I actually "met" when I bought a necklace that said "hope" from her shop while pregnant (pictured here) with Tommy--very fitting.

I am beyond excited and touched at this generosity poured toward Tommy's Team and moreso, toward the epilepsy foundation and epilepsy research. This year, as with last, we walk with hope for a seizure free future. In some way, I hope you will join us.


Foursons said...

I love the strength necklace!

I love that you have taken such an active role in bringing the public information about epilepsy. I am not as knowledgable about it because so many other things are talked about so much more.

Anonymous said...

Necklace ordered. :) I love that you are walking again. I wish I could be there!