Friday, December 31, 2010

Ten in Twenty-Ten

Last year on New Year's Eve, I wrapped up the year with my ten most heavily commented posts. It was fun to do that, so I thought I'd go for it again, though I had a tie for #10. Of course, nothing I've written has come close to the number of comments on Tommy's birth story... I guess I need another kid to boost my stats in 2011 (JUST KIDDING, UNIVERSE).

10A. 364
10B. Two Birds
9. [untitled]
8. Global Domination
7. The End of an Hair-A
6. An Open Letter to the Fine People at International Delight [please note that although Sweet Buttercream is now gone from the stores, I have approximately 20 bottles frozen, so I'm still not without my creamer. But when it's gone? TRAGIC. International Delight, please bring this back!]
5. Real
4. Randomize
3. Hands Together [I forgot that I wrote this. I love it so much.]
2. Separation Anxiety
1. My Heart


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I love the Hands Together one, too. And I also find it fun to read my old comments on other people's posts!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

Unless you have a kid in the middle of Disney World, nothing will top the last birth. :)

Sharon - MomGenerations said...

Top 10 or not, I read your musings every single day... you make me laugh, smile, cry, think, feel. You are a wonderful, wonderful writer... a great connector! Happy New Year, beautiful friend... and to your beautiful family! xo!

Kaycee said...

Alright, so last year if I remember correctly I went back and read (or re-read) all posts in case I missed any and left a comment. This year I am positive I did not miss a single one (you are toward the top of my reader - like just under the people I know it real life) but I think I'll do it again anyway. Because I love to read what you write. And on a Saturday night at 9pm? It sounds like fun! Here I go.... :)

kaitlin johnston said...

I did very poorly this year on following blogs and reading much of anything other than school books and for that I apologize! A goal of mine this year is to read more often and comment as much as I can. I look forward to reading more because what I have read of yours is always great! And you are right not much can top your birthing story!