I know that you haven't yet responded to my first letter. That's okay. I understand that arranging a warehouse full of creamer is not a task that can be done overnight. Please know that I would be willing to travel up to one hour in any direction to access this warehouse.
I am really hoping that you've reconsidered your decision to make Sweet Buttercream a limited edition. See, since I last wrote to you, he's become very despondent over his seeming unemployment. While he used to have such a zest for life, he now sits on the couch all day with his friend, Fat Tire, mouth slack and remote nearby.

When I go to the grocery store where we first met, I'm greeted with nothing but emptiness. An empty spot on the shelf where he once stood proudly, an empty spot in my heart.
When I go to the grocery store where we first met, I'm greeted with nothing but emptiness. An empty spot on the shelf where he once stood proudly, an empty spot in my heart.
I'm asking you to think not just of my beloved Sweet Buttercream, but won't you please think of the children? Yes, the children. We have so many of them, you see, and as a teacher, I know that children need strong role models. With their daddy out of a job and their mother weeping all day long about the day their father will leave her, it's just not creating a very positive home environment. And as I'm sure you know, children ARE our future. Just look at these beautiful, shining faces.

See, fine people at International Delight? No one loves your products more than me. I am almost certainly responsible for any sort of upswing you've had in product sales lately, so the LEAST you can do is repay me by not taking away my one true love.
International Delight did not pay me for my slightly obsessive ramblings. They may be looking into the logistics of a creamer warehouse. Or they may be looking into the logistics of a restraining order.
See, fine people at International Delight? No one loves your products more than me. I am almost certainly responsible for any sort of upswing you've had in product sales lately, so the LEAST you can do is repay me by not taking away my one true love.
International Delight did not pay me for my slightly obsessive ramblings. They may be looking into the logistics of a creamer warehouse. Or they may be looking into the logistics of a restraining order.
I am on my last bottle, haven't checked to see if they still have it around here.
They already spent all the marketing money on label design...why change now? Wonder if there is a 12 step program you can look into...
I love it too--so delicious, so creamy, so cupcake-like!!
Maybe we should tell ID we are about to put a bug in their competitor's ear to make the same flavor.
You are hilarious! I love it. Every time I go to that section of the grocery store I check to see if they have it. It's still well stocked in my area. I actually talked my friend into buying it last night to try it. I told her "but Erin LOVES it!"
Found this in GA and it is good :)
Hi there,
I work for the agency that coordinates advertising for International Delight. Your letter is hysterical- I am literally LOL!! I'm sending the link to my ID clients. I doubt they can reverse the decision, but you never know! Thanks for being such a great brand advocate :)
I just spoke to my client and she's going to send you some bottles!! I promise you this is totally legit. I don't want to post my phone # on a blog, but please email me at hgiudice@horizonmedia.com. (You can look up Horizon Media online- like I said, we plan/buy media for ID) I just need your information as far as where to ship. We can also hop on a call if you'd feel more comfortable. Let me know, thanks!
I can't find in anywhere!!! What's funny is I've been looking all over, but I don't drink coffee that often!
I was in the states for 2 weeks and looked everywhere for it, and couldn't find it... :(
Guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Your letter is hilarious! Maybe they'll rethink their decision to make it limited edition...
Okay, that is totally awesome that they are sending you some. I am still disappointed that I didn't get to try any, but I do love my Coffee Mate Italian Sweet Creme. (Altho I was totally willing to be a hussy and cheat)
This was great, I totally needed this. And also, um, why haven't I tried this?
I don't think we got that flavor either. Boo. I'm a Coffeemate girl, actually. The eggnog at Christmas? OMFG. Yum.
This post made my day. Thank you. :-)
(And also? Thank you for posting that pic of your original Sweet Buttercream bottle, because without it I may never have discovered the stuff. It's fab.)
I love that every freakin' time I walk into a dairy aisle, or have coffee, or drive past a grocery store that may or may not have Sweet Buttercream in stock, I think of you. :)
i can't believe that i still haven't tried this.
also---i'm totally cracking up right now. alone. on my couch. cracking up.
i love you.
And the creamer saga continues...
crazy b/c we have an ABUNDANCE of that flavor here! I bought it for my husband thinking it sounded good (I am not a coffee drinker) and he didn't like it. Then I read your initial post and everytime I am at the store I take notice of whether they have it now, lol.
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