In the end, I'm certain it's been better to have loved, because my life has been infinitely richer for the delicious love affair I've shared with Sweet Buttercream. I'm sure I'll never love another quite the same as Sweet Buttercream, but I'll be strong and move on. Maybe I'll find another flavor, but it'll never quite be the same. I'll sip it and sigh wistfully, remembering the good old days. Mornings snuggled in bed, late nights around the kitchen table, the way he always kept me warm.
The most fabulous thing about this whole love affair is that it was really just a silly topic, but what I love is that so many of you out there have tweeted or commented that you sought out Sweet Buttercream. And! That you loved it almost as much me. THEN, in the apex of my blogging career (just kidding, I don't have a blogging career. Why DO you people read this thing?), I was contacted by someone who works with International Delight (shout out to Heather with Horizon Media!) and last weekend, a package with SIX QUARTS of Sweet Buttercream showed up on my doorstep, along with a handwritten card from the Associate Brand Manager. I didn't even know that it was available in quarts! I never expected anyone from International Delight to read this or even care, yet they've shown that, actually, they DO care about their consumers.
So, Fine People at International Delight? Maybe you didn't arrange that warehouse full of creamer or make it permanent, but you have gained yourself a customer for life. (And if you ever need a product tester? Well, you know I'm your girl.)
How cool is that! A goodie box all your own. Now THAT is great customer service.
That is amazing customer services.
6 quarts and a handwritten note, that's so great!! I'm one of those crazy people that has been looking all over for it.....I think my waist line is happy I didn't find it. :)
I was never able to find this creamer of gold, but I trust it is pure yummyness. I have settled for the new coffee house caramel macchiato, which isn't bad at all actually. :) Enjoy your bounty!
Thanks for the giggle. I hate coffee but I love me some good customer service. Yay International Delight!! Enjoy your love affair. ;-)
i love that they listened!
That is so cool! All I can get around here are the quarts! I have a bunch stashed in my fridge and buy more everytime I go. My hubby doesn't understand why I need more! :) It is the best creamer I have ever had. I think it is great that they sent some right to your house!!! Enjoy!! :)
While I was out at Target today picking up some stuff for Alexis to be able to eat and drink I saw some and I got a bottle (altho it was a baby compared to your huge mother of a bottle you have there) I admit I was skeptical as I LOVE my Coffee Mate Irish Sweet Cream...but OMG! I am in love and tomorrow I am going to buy them out of the 4 bottles they had left.
That is sooooo freaking awesome! :)
I *love* good customer service.
THAT IS AWESOME! I was so hoping this would happen for you. It is so yummy! I finally found it in GA, but can't find it here. Enjoy! I adore you!
The affair continues. Do you look at it and say "Why can't I quit you???" ;)
I know, you don't want to anyway...
I don't even drink coffee and I've loved this Sweet Buttercream saga!
I still think ID would have fine spokeswoman in you! Are you reading this, ID?! She'd be great! Look at how many of us bloggers she had scouring the shelves of our local grocery stored for your coffee creamer? And I don't even drink coffee that often!
Every time I'm in the store and see a bottle of Sweet Buttercream creamer, I think of you and then wish I lived closer because I miss you!!!
That is completely AWESOME!
SHARE THE WEALTH LADY! Who am I kidding, it's probably all gone by now, no? (and I can't find it anywhere!)
All I have to say is that this is the most awesome thing I've read! High five, International Delight. High five.
(sorry for the prev. comment, late night makes for spelling errors!)
I am in awe. AWE. DO YOU HEAR ME, AWE!!
OK. OK. I haven't yet tried International Delight ANYthing... but I will now! The smiles it brings seems good (well, delightful) enough for me!!
That is glad to see it is available in a larger size! Not just a least for you!
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