I love that this week's
You Capture theme is happiness. Of course I love happiness (who doesn't?), but also because I have a lot of happiness in my life this week. I have a new camera, which I LOVE SO MUCH. I have a gorgeous baby, who I also love so much. My friend Kristin is visiting, and I love her so much. And finally, we went to the Botanical Garden yesterday, which is full of flowers. Do you know how I feel about flowers? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
So basically, I found a ridiculous amount of happiness this week.

(Honey bees also make me very happy, because they make honey which is a delicious, sugar-y substance.)
Kristin makes me happy because she is a wonderful friend, even though it's not fair that she gets to be that skinny and gorgeous.

Lily pads make me happy because they seem like they're pretty low maintenance as far as flowers go. I really prefer it if flowers can live without any effort on my part, so I like flowers that don't need to be watered because, you know, THEY LIVE IN THE WATER.

But of course, this little slice of chubby cheeked deliciousness makes me happier than anything else in the whole wide world.
The most beautiful flower... the Tommy! It seems everyone has a new camera... except me. That's ok, though, because I can live vicariously through all the great photographers out there! YOU look fabulous, by the way!!
Your photos are amazing! I am going to need you to teach me some things about that camera!!!!
Gorgeous photos, of course. And psht, do you not realize just how skinny YOU are?
Your new camera takes amazing pictures! (I mean, so do you, but that camera is awesome!) What kind is it?
I agree about Kristen-- no one should be allowed to be that amazing and that pretty at the same time. We may need to have her 'eliminated'..... wink wink, nudge nudge....
You are skinny and gorgeous too! Great photos!
You beat me to it. I got 2nd up on the You Capture post at I should be folding Laundry.:)
BEAUTIFUL captures, Erin. Amazing.
Noah called Tommy "Tom" yesterday. I punched him. HARD.
Great entries and congrats on the new camera :)
You aren't far behind your friend...pretty & slenderlady!
Great shots...glad you are enjoying your camera...I'm jealous!
love that lilly pad!
Love your photos! And you look GREAT for having a baby soo young. Don't compare yourself with others right now (or ever, really). Not smart. I've learned that. Twice. I always feel fat-terrrrr than everyone around me. Anyway, the pic of the lily pads... awesom!
How 'bout I spell that correctly. Awesome!!
GORGEOUS pictures!!
PLEASE tell me that those photos are SOOC (straight out of camera) and not digitally futzed with. PLEASE tell me that and I will have found my next camera, I'll just buy the one you just got!!! Awesome, awesome, awesome shots! :)
Oh, and I'm super happy that you're so happy, have a cute baby, have a friend visiting, and are loving life! :)
Aww, What a Beautiful Baby! =) The bee is so Happy, I bet. =)
You are beautiful and your baby, yummy and delicious, kind of like a warm cupcake.
So glad you got your new camera and broke it in nicely with some beautiful pictures...but you saved the best for last. That is a scrumptious little morsel of chubby cheeks.
Stunning photos - I love the shot of the bee in mid flight. Your son is a darling too :-)
Lovely, lovely shots!
Beautiful shots!
I can't believe how big he is getting.
I love pictures with bees, and babies always make me happy. Good job.
That is so cool that you captured the bee in the pic. And all your photos are beautiful. What camera did you get? I am thinking about asking for a new one for my birthday. :)
My favorite is the lily pad and lotus flower shot. Love it! (my first time here, by the way. I'll be back again for sure.) :)
Great pictures... Happiness is awesome isn't it.
Congratulations on the new camera!
The water lily is GORGEOUS! Come over and check out my blog, I'm a bit of a flower freak too ; )
Beautiful. I love how upbeat you are, reading your posts always make me happy :) Congrats on the new camera!!!!
Beautiful captures.They all made me happy today. What kind of camera did you get?
I love your pictures! :-) they all make me feel happy too!!
your happiness cup must be overflowing! love that new baby!
Great 'Happiness" shots Erin. Of course my favorite is the picture of Tommy! What a doll! And your camera really captures his adorableness.
Perfect shots of Happiness, especially that last one. Oh Erin, he's just delicious!! :)
Beautiful pictures!
Damn, he's cute!
great pictures! tommy is just the sweetest thing!
such wonderful photos! I really love the lily pad one. Gorgeous!
Great shots! Especially love the lilly pad!
Beautiful! The lily pad is amazing!
Look at that cute little bee!
I love the flowers with the bee flying to it. Positive influences in life is always good. I'm glad that you are having such fun! :)
Such nice pictures! Love the sling.
Lilly Pad's - yes!
The one thing my black thumb can't kill.
Eeeeeeexcellent idea.
- Insert Mr. Burns clip here -
he is delicious. =)
can't wait to see you!!
Wow great job. Love the bee. Your little man is growing so fast. Love your pouch. Very cute. I didn't do the Happiness theme. Am ready for this week though.
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