And I will dress them in them until they're old enough to say, ENOUGH, MOM.
A long time ago, when I was two seconds pregnant, one of my best friends told me this:
"isn't it hard to believe that before you know it, you'll be a family
of four and you won't even remember what it feels like to be a family
of three? Its true, I swear."
And I saved the email forever because it did scare me. I was afraid I'd miss it being the three of us, but she was right. I feel like I've always had two kids, two carseats, two sweet faces to kiss, two sweet heads to smell, the dreams of two boys sitting on Santa's lap, a big brother and a little brother, and two sweet boys to dress in matching outfits.
It's so true. I can rarely remember just being a mom to one. Now it seems like two comes so naturally. And of course, you know I'm a fan of matching outfits as well. It's so stinking cute and so are your boys.
My kids recently have announced that they no longer wish to match EVER. Wah...
They look VERY cute in their matching outfits! ENJOY!
How fun is that? Dressing them the same. It is making me baby-hungry. I want two to dress up. :)
It really is true! When I was pregnant with Aubry I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to love another baby the way I loved Aubry because I didn't think it was possible.
But now I can't imagine NOT having both of them. And I am a huge fan of matching outfits as children are STILL dressed in matching outfits on occasion. :) So far they haven't said they are tired of it!
It is so true...I have a hard enough time remembering life before kids. Life with one kid seems like such a distant memory!
They are adorable. I love matching outfits.
I just can't believe how much Tommy is changing. They look so much alike! Too cute!
See, now you made me cry ;-) It is so true. I can't remember being a mom to three. Four just is. Crazy.
Oh they are so precious. I still dress mine in semi-matching outfits. :-D They bear with their mommy. Enjoy them with all your heart. :-)
My boys liked matching until very recently when my 10 year old started to complain. But, sometimes i do it when he isn't looking because JJ gets dressed easier if he thinks he looks like his brother :)
Enjoy it! And there is always room in your heart for more.
My boys are almost-6 and almost-4 and still like wearing matching shirts a lot of the time. It's really cute! I especially like matching jammies. Your boys look adorable in them!!!
WHY is Tommy getting so big? I don't know how I feel about this...
They're so cute, I don't know how you get anything done during the day. I'd just sit and squish them both the whole time. I suppose this does not make me the ideal babysitter.
I did this at first too and it's SO cute! Especially the p.j.s! Now my oldest is too big really (meaning I can't find matching stuff as much). I'm glad you are enjoying it to the fullest! : )
They are just stinking cute! I love the shirts, very tough looking.
Worrying about missing the family of three is one reason I hesitate even mentioning having a second child to my husband.
That and I'm really fat right now and need to lose weight. :-)
I love that you match them! And your words about growing to a larger family encouraged me
Little secret... I still buy all matching pajamas for all 9 grandchildren each Christmas. First, it was just Taylor and Maddie. Girls. Pink. Easy. Then the boys started arriving. OK. More generic. One year was Gap navy blue with red dots. Then LL Bean light blue with reindeer. Then Lands' End green. Last year it was white Hanna Andersson with ornaments. This year it's red Lands' End with polar bears. I have their names and the year embroidered on the fronts and we take, oh... about 10 million photos. So far, so good. They LOVE opening their special Christmas pjs... and I think I'm never going to stop, even when they're all adults. Grandmas get to do these things. Yes!?
Your children are adorable in their matching outfits! My mom used to dress my sister and I alike when we were younger so she didn't lose us in crowds :)
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