Luke and I are both feeling out our places in life right now. Some days we share a lot of tears and bad behavior, but we always begin our mornings with the best of intentions.

Every Monday, we go to
Evelyn Bay for breakfast, then play at the park. Luke said we'll do that until it's too cold, and I think he's right. What's left unsaid is that after January, our Monday morning dates will be over, and I think when that happens, my heart will shatter into a million little pieces.
For now, though, I get to enjoy my double dates.

And watch him grow so fast, too fast. The first time he climbed this ladder, he went slowly and shakily with my hand on his bottom. The second time, he let me stand next to him. The third time, well, he told me to go sit down because he didn't need my help.

I cheered him on, but in my head, I was thinking, Slow down, and I'm not sure if I was talking to him on the ladder... or just to life in general.
They just grow up too damn fast, don't they? Can I go to Evelyn Bay with you guys next Monday?
My little guy is growing so fast too. It's freaking me out. I can't believe the stuff he can do now, and the stuff he says. Oh, he cracks me up and breaks my heart all at the same time. I don't want him to grow too fast, but yet I want him to grow healthy and strong.
Jonathan and I won't have our afternoons at the playground after October, probably...that's when it will start getting cold around here!
Anyhow, love the post and the photos. I can so relate. *sigh*
Super cute post! Yes, just enjoy it now, don't think about January! :)
Yeah, I can totally relate to this! I am totally going to crash one of your double dates sometime, I'm in need of some Evelyn Bay! Thanks for your sweet comment on my post! BTW- he is getting SO big. Did you know I've never met your kids? Have you ever met Capri? This is just wrong. sweet!
I feel the same way as my little man starts walking.
They do grow up so fast.
I love his t-shirt by the way...Boo has one that is black and just says CASH. She loves Johnny Cash...
They do grow so fast... I get so sad that my babies are 6 already!
Love his shirt, the twins are huge Johnny Cash fans. ;p
Squeeze the most out of every day. They're so lucky to have you, a mommy who adores them. :-)
Enjoy this time together. They grow up way to fast. I went from being a mommy to being a grandma in the blink of an eye. Try not to think about January. Just try to be in the now.
You've got everything perfect!! I love it... and I love you!!
Stay in the now...Enjoy the time. it does go too fast.
So true. So, so true.
And, for the record, my heart broke into a million little pieces for you when you talked about the end of your maternity leave. Cherish the moments until then. As if I have to tell you...
It's all so fast. I'm always thinking slow down in my head, but cheering them on all the way with a smile on my face. In other words, I know!
This is so very true. I am in the process of going through and packing up Emma's baby clothes, and it is tearing me apart. I cry about every 3rd outfit.
OMG-that shirt is hubby would love it!
Glad you got to enjoy the last few days of summer at the park!
I'm sure you were talking to a little bit of both!
Glad you are able to capture these moments AND share them with us...
Hey-- my comment is gone! Now I fear this will appear twice! :-)
What I said was, if we bringing back "NOT", can be bring back "rad", too?
OH- my comment wasn't gone, it was on the other post. hehehehe. I win.
I understand every word you wrote...perfectly.
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