This story is about my dad.

I've talked about my dad before, how close we are, how he was truly my first love. I'm lucky to have a dad who is exactly how dads are to be.
The day I went into labor with Tommy, I called my mom after my appointment. I told her I was progressing and that I was having sporadic contractions. I told her to keep the phone nearby just in case, even though I wasn't entirely sure that it was the real thing. My mom, of course, passed this news onto my dad, who was sure it was the real thing--much more sure than my mom and myself.
Apparently, at about 9 or 10 that night, before going to bed, my dad kept nagging at my mom to call me and check up on me. She told him, no, that I'd call them if and when it was time. Still, she said he kept asking her if she didn't think that maybe they should call and just get Luke anyway, just in case. She told him, no, that it'd be hours even if I was in labor, and they went to bed.
When I called at 11:48, she answered the phone right away. I said, I think it's time for you to come over, so they jumped in the car. Initially, my dad wasn't even going to come along because her plans were just to crash in our bed until the morning, but at the time, three convicts had just escaped from a nearby prison, and he didn't want her to drive alone.
She said he drove her nuts on the ride over because he kept saying, "I hope she didn't wait too long." She told him that I was totally calm on the phone, but he still kept telling her that he didn't think I was going to make it to the hospital. When they came around the corner and saw the flashing lights, he said, "I told you she waited too long." My mom told him, no, the flashing lights were at the neighbors, until they got closer and saw that they were in our driveway, and my dad said, "She waited too long!"
At this point, I was already in the ambulance and shortly after, my entire family crowded in the back. First my mom holding Luke, then Shane, then my dad. My mom and Shane immediately asked how Tommy was, but my dad looked right at me and said, "How's Erin?" The EMT in the back with me laughed and said, "That's just like a dad... making sure his little girl is okay."
So next time, forget cervical checks and timing contractions...if my dad says I'm in labor, I'm going to listen!
Awww! Beautiful!
You are indeed blessed to have a dad who is everything a dad should be.
This is so sweet!! I'm so glad you're sharing these stories... you will look back in a few years and be so happy that you wrote them down! :)
That brought tears to my eyes Erin! You are oo lucky to have a father you are so close to. I'm sure he feels the same way.
Father knows best has never rung truer than this case!
Such a beautiful story! I wish i had such a great relationship with my dad! I would definitely be listening to his opinion next time.
Awww... this is so sweet.
First, Shane, guest post. We want you to do it. DOOOOOO it!
Also, that story about your dad is so cute. Dad's just know, don't they? In my case it was my mom who knew that I was pregnant a full month before I did when I got massively car sick on my way to a friend's bridal shower three hours away.
I, too, am blessed with such a dad. One of life's biggest blessings...
That is so sweet! Sounds exactly like my dad :-)
Shane- Erin is right, you have to post. We'll all love it, just as much as your yummy desserts you bake us.
and wow Erin, this story is wonderful. You are so very lucky to have such a wonderful family and daddy.
That is so wonderful!
That made me totally cry. Like. A. Baby. That is beautiful, you are so lucky, honey.
What a nice dad you have. I'm jealous that you have such an aweaome father and role model in your life like that. :)
Man, he knew it, didn't he? So sweet that he was worried about you. Such a wonderful relationship, that of Daddy and daughter and yours sounds exceptional. I'm lucky to have an amazing one too...
And yes, Shane TOTALLY needs to tell us his 'side of the story!' : )
aww - that made tears come to my eyes. So sweet. I wish my dad had been around long enough to develop a relationship with him. I have a feeling though that my husband is that loving caring dad - and to have that for my children makes up for me :)
Yes. You should totally listen to your dad. For real.
And I totally need the hubby's POV.
I love this post and the picture you look so happy.
How precious!
Father knows best!
Another vote for Shane to share his viewpoint!
I think the relationship you have with your father is beautiful.
Ok. Too sweet. So precious you two.
for some reason that made me tear up. Dads and their little girls...
What a sweetie.
This is a truly beautiful, remarkable, wonderful Dad and Daughter story. You are the luckiest and most blessed woman in the entire world... trust me. Trust me.
Father knows Best!
the first time i read this, i could not even comment. i know i'm pretty emotional lately, but tears were streaming down my cheeks. i love this post so much that i can even describe it. LOVE it. how i pray for such a special relationship for our girls to have with matt.
thank you for sharing. =)
"How's Erin".... aaaaa! Insta-tears! That's awesome. I remember being surprised (pleasantly) at how excited my dad was throughout my whole pregnancy-birth-new-baby experience.
I love that you and your dad have that relationship. The father-daughter bond is so wonderful. I can only hope that my husband and daughter are like that.
Thank you for sharing!!
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