School rants aside, last week was great. It was our week to make magic with Luke. Playdates, the zoo, special lunches at his favorite restaurant, daily park trips, we did it all. When I look at this little boy, I can hardly believe that this person who took us from a couple to a family is going to go from one-third of the equation to one-fourth in a manner of days or weeks.
I love every little bit of him. I love how I nursed him until he was 22 months, and the last time he nursed, he stopped and said, "Bye bye, num nums," and moved on. I love how some times, he still seems like such a baby. When he wakes up in the morning and wants to cuddle and drink warm milk. When he hugs me, he has to give two hugs. First with one side of my face to his, then he says, "And this one," and we have to switch sides. When he purses his lips for the sweetest kisses. But then, there are times when I realize what a boy he is. When he doesn't want my kisses because he's too busy doing something much more fun than spending time with mommy.
His latest thing is that he always wants to do one more of something. The way he uses the phrase one more isn't always grammatically correct, but it's always cute. After going to Sarah's house, Luke woke up the next morning and said, "One more Asher, mama, one more!" When I told him we'd play with Asher again soon, he smiled and asked me for a cupcake. I love the way his little mind works.
Every day is a new journey with him. As each day passes, I can't wait to see him as a big brother. I know there will be days when he likely resents the baby and wonders why it had to come into his life, but still, I can't wait to see him lay eyes on his new little brother or sister, and I can't wait for the day that he asks to give him/her "One more kiss, mama, one more."
So very very sweet. I think, God makes them oh so sweet and cute at this age, to make up for the massive tantrums we also have to endure :)
Good luck on the school. i have to take two classes this summer, but i am doing the online thing. Waiting until the last possible moment before my license expires. yes I am.
i miss your faces like you would not believe!
Aw that is so sweet! He is going to be a great big brother!
Oh Erin, this made me cry too...
I remember that sweet loving that JC gave me at that age and I feel (and I know you do too) so lucky that I am going to have that all over agian with this child.
But I am super excited to meet your new little one soon. Like, how's this week? Go forth and get in labor. Your friends can't wait any longer....
Super sweet post! :) I love the two-sided hugs!! :) I might do that with my husband. :)
Hang in there in class today! Thinking of you! :)
So sweet. :) I cannot wait to meet his brother or sister, either!
Oh man. That is too cute. I love that kid, and his new little bebe sibling.
The one thing I still remember so distinctly about bringing home a new baby is how the older "baby" grew into a giant child overnight. It astounded me. The language. The independence. The responsibility the older child takes on. Luke will be marvelous with the new baby. He will be helpful and loving and perfect. I promise!!
This is the sweetest!
Jonah calls his nightly warm rice cereal "num nums" and used to call nursing "nu nu's". I miss doing nu nu time but love that we have num num time. :)
You two are so sweet in that pic!
So so sweet, about the hugs!! He is going to be a great big brother
Beautiful, heartfelt, and it made me cry!
I was here not just a few months ago when I delivered my infant, looking into the eyes of my 2-year-old, knowing how she was going to grow up overnight because I'd given birth and suddenly she'd look SO big, SO old, and no longer be the baby.
I am ridiculously excited for you and eager to see if it's a boy or girl :)
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