And so this stress manifested in us bickering about something trivial EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Then Tommy was born. Luke went back to sleeping through the night like someone flipped a switch. We made the transition from three to four like it'd always been this way, and in a way, it feels like it has. Tommy came crashing into our lives and exploded our hearts in ways we never dreamed possible.
Three days after Tommy was born, Shane pulled me into his lap, kissed my cheek, and told me how sorry he was for all the bickering, all the stress, and that he realized now how wonderful this whole thing is. I told him the same. I hate that we spent those days fighting with each other, but I love that we can say I'm sorry. I love that he is the calm to my storm and that even though he's the most squeamish person ever, he thinks it's totally cool that I gave birth on our stairs. I even love that he brought his bag to the hospital and when I said, "Did you get my suitcase?" he didn't say anything or even move for five seconds, like he was trying to mentally will my suitcase to appear at the hospital, even though the truth was that he grabbed his and left mine sitting in our bedroom. I loved it so much that all I could do was laugh. And I love that when he tells people about Tommy's birth story, he remembers that I said, "I think we waited too long!" and how he wanted to say, "No shit, honey," but he didn't think that was the right thing to say at the time. I love how he elbows Luke and says, "Your mommy looks pretty good for just having a baby, doesn't she?"
Mostly what I love is knowing that this glow will wear off, that we'll bicker again about stupid things, but no matter what, we'll always come together when we need to, we'll always be able to step back and just love each other.
Oh, now this is too sweet.
Awww what a lovely post.
I loved this post so much I had to come out of lurkdom to tell you.
This is too sweet. Seriously, I smiled the entire time I read it. That picture just makes me melt! Your family of four is awesome!
Ah, I'm not so sure this glow will wear off. It's too strong and vibrant and with 2 little guys, you won't have time to unglow! You are now surrounded by enough testosterone to GLIDE through life glowingly! Beautiful photos!!
So sweet.
That is so precious and so true. It's funny how the difficult times are the ones you look back on and remember fondly, I think it's because they come with something really special. Like now, when you all probably aren't getting much sleep and it is the only time your new baby will be so small. Enjoy every minute!
Aww! I love it!
I remember talking on the phone with you right before your first date with Shane. God we seemed so young back's amazing to think of all that has changed.
I'm so happy for all the blessings you have in your life. You deserve it hun. :hug:
That was beautiful!
Very nice and insightful post. And great picture too.
Great post. You have a beautiful family. I love the shirt your husband is wearing. It was perfect for this post.
That's so sweet! Husband and I felt the same way after our second one was born. You really don't remember what life was like before them (in a good way). I'm glad things are transitioning nicely for all of you. Great photo of your family :)
Beautiful, Erin!
So has been crazy busy for hubby and we have 4 kids and all that goes with and I can so relate. thanks for sharing.
Ahhhhhh! You guys are too cute. And I still "hate" you for being so skinny already, but not really. Did you get the little something-something that I gave to Beth to give to you?
So unbelievably sweet, Erin. Omg, I think I might cry now. Silly, hooker.
What a beautiful post and beautiful family.
Oh Erin, I am so happy for you. I want to come hang out in your happy little new baby orb. It's such a great place to be.
This is so amazing, I love it so much and I love you two together.
and the shirt...oooooh, the shirt.
That is precious. It is so good to read about couples who love each other deeply, but who are REAL, just like us. Thanks for sharing.
Incredibly sweet.
So sweet you made me cry.
damn pregnancy hormones...
You're so blessed. All us Mother's are. Enjoy every moment. And that, that really got me, too.
Love is a beautiful thing... ; )
so, so sweet. and i totally know this feeling of "what in the world have we been doing?! our life rules."
{so laughing at the part where you told him that you think you waited too it.}
So sweet Erin. You are so blessed to have such wonderful men in your life.
And this is why I love you.
And that's the best thing.
Twitter: AboutParenting
Very sweet. :-)
He's a keeper for sure!
Very sweet!
This post gives me the chills.
Man I love husbands! Aren't they the best thing EVER?
(p.s. I didnt even notice that he was wearing his James & Jake shirt until I read the comments! Too cute!)
I missed this one the first time around. Glad it made the ten though - so I could come back to it. So smiley, it is. So happy.
This so makes me smile, and makes me hopeful! I love the way our little family of three is but I know I want at least one more - actually that's a lie I want two more but I dont' think that will happen - and I have wondered how the transition from a family of three to a family of four would be. I love that yours was so smooth! Maybe in 3 years (maybe not 3, but it feels like it right now) when I finally get to have my second baby our transition will be good too! Sorry you had all the stress first though!
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