Mainly I'm happy, but I'm also a little annoyed because all of a sudden, I'm gaining more weight weekly than I have for the entire pregnancy. What is THAT all about? I had to cut my workouts down to 20 minutes because 40 minutes was just too much, but I've also been walking 3 miles a day. Therefore, I'm blaming it all on all the baby and fluid and not admitting that maybe my steady diet of sweets has finally caught up to me. I'm taking comfort in the fact that no one is going to tell me otherwise! Also, my back is killing me. I thought it hurt toward the end of my pregnancy with Luke, but I had no idea how badly it would hurt when 40 weeks pregnant AND chasing a 2 year old. In my next life, I'm marrying a masseuse!
I feel like maybe this post is whiny, so I want everyone to know that I'm seriously so content to let this baby choose his/her birth date, even though it might seem otherwise at times. I'm enjoying this time. Every day, we've gone for long walks, and I've napped with Luke. This morning, Luke and I made cookies, and he took his job of stirring the dry ingredients SO seriously. Tonight we're going blueberry picking, and then when we get home, I might work out. Or I might eat cookies.
And then, one of these days, I'll suddenly have a baby in my arms, and I'll be sitting here thinking, "Remember when I was pregnant? That went way too quickly!"
So excited for your big day...but I think it is so cool that you are enjoying yourself and the end of your pregnancy too!
I know you must be so ready. I cannot imagine the back pain, but my hip pain is a pain! I cannot wait to read about the new baby!
Cannot wait to meet the new bundle of joy!
And I did marry a massage therapist and let me tell you how wonderful it was while being pregnant! Even being miserable the whole time. The only good part about the whole thing, other than the baby afterwards, of course!
You look great and you don't sound whiny!! It's refreshing to hear (read) your attitude and see your contentment! Thanks for sharing. And you're right, VERY soon that baby will be in your arms! How wonderful!
it did go by to quickly and you still look wonderful.
I seriously think you are the cutest preg-nut EVER!
Any day now...
Well, I know you will have the baby before July 30th, but that is a great day to give birth...cause it's my birthday...just 15 more days? Ok, you can slap me. From the looks of the picture you do look low and very ready.
I'm excited for you, too! I can't wait to see the tweets that you're in labor. :) And I can't wait to see photos! :) Congrats and good luck... you know I'm thinking about you! :)
You don't sound whiny at all and you look amazing!
I am just jealous that you are still smiling this late in the game. By this time I was miserable lol
First, you look wonderful.
Second, Joley came on my due date so I know what you are feeling right now. I was willing to hang on longer (I was trying for a vbac) but was glad she decided to come when she did.
You are in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy baby, easy labor and a peaceful birth.
Would you stopping making me love you more?
can't wait for you. I think our pregnancies are similar. I'm alway like a week overdue - with back pain!
But oh the joys when that little baby comes...
I agree! Due dates are totally stupid!
I can't wait... I can't wait to hear!
There is something wonderful and perfect about those last few days of pregnancy... like a tie game that goes into overtime and then your team wins and you never forget the feeling of that moment. Your new little bundle of miracle is just making it that much more exciting and making you that much more beautiful!
I'm eagerly anticipating this baby!! Look at your belly, you are too fricken cute!!!
You look so amazing at 40 weeks. I saw on twitter you had the baby... adorable that little nugget is!
I heard you had your baby! Congrats!
I remember that! Just when you think you can't take it any longer, or get any bigger - you do! Unfortunately, it's not within your control. Babies come when they want to. As a mother of two, enjoy your last few days with just one. Eat ice cream, do puzzles and take naps! Pretty soon you will have plenty to keep you very very busy!! :) Hang in there!
I still like "Tommy fast you'll freak"
(but rocket man fits)
You amaze me, he amazes me and I love the both of you. Holding him for just that little bit on his birthday has made me week, I can't imagine what your last 36 hours have been like!
and you look so amazing in the photos...
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