Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flower Child

I've been having a really rough time at work lately, so Shane and Luke surprised me at work Tuesday with these beautiful yellow tulips. Shane apologized because they were just from the grocery store, but honestly? They are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.

26 weeks. I can't wait to add one more little bloom to my life.


Candi said...

you look great! and yay for the yellow tulips at work! that was so sweet of him. :) i hope things get better at work!

Sharon - Mom Generations said...

You look dazzling! And supermarket flowers!?... they come from the same little patches of earth where sun shines and women love and men get it!!!!

Megan said...

You are just SO GORGEOUS. And you really have such a sweet and thoughtful husband.

Jaye @ said...

You look gorgeous!! And your hubby is super sweet, you're a lucky lady! :O)

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

You look great! The flowers are awesome !! Cheer up and I hope work gets better!!

InTheFastLane said...

That Shane, he's a keeper. Education, on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

You look great and that was so sweet what Shane did. He's a keeper

Christy M. said...

What a bunch of sweet boys you have! And you, my dear, look FABULOUS!!!


Jenni said...

How sweet!!!

Together We Save said...

That is so sweet. I love yellow flowers.

Anonymous said...

Love tulips SO MUCH. What a guy. :)

Jen S. said...

Yellow tulips! I love them!

Such a sweet man, your husband.

I'm sorry things are difficult for you at work. The education "biz" is seriously messed up.