Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Capture: Letters

My captures this week are not really artistic or unique, but when I think of letters, these are beautiful to me.
I keep this special box next to my bed, under the nightstand. I don't open it a lot because, well, it's sort of magical. I know that sounds silly, but if you use something that's magic too much, doesn't it lose the magic a little bit?

I open this box when I'm having the worst of days, when I'm doubting myself, when I need a reminder that I'm loved. In it are all the meaningful letters and cards I've received over the years--some recent, some ten years old.

Words are so powerful, and the letters and cards in this box all mean the world to me, so much that I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them.

I rarely ever make it to the bottom of the box, because after just a few of these letters, I remember that I am loved and not alone.

After looking through this, I realize that I need to write more of these letters because they're so simple yet meaningful, and I bet that they mean just as much to others as they do to me.


Julie said...

Hey! That's my handwriting!!! :-)


Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

That is a beautiful, magical box you have indeed. I think it was during a Bible study video session that Beth Moore said we need to WRITE notes, not just think them of other people. :) You are blessed with some awesome friends and family!!

Mom24 said...

Awesome pictures. How smart you were to keep those letters. I'm going to buy my daughter a pretty box for her to keep hers in.

{krista} said...

What beautiful letters and what great memories, too.

Unknown said...

I have a VERY similar box that I considered posting about but then decided to go another way.

And you're right, totally full of magic! : )

Heather D said...

I save letters too, but I don't have a great box like that idea. Great capture!

The Animator's Wife said...

It is a lost art-form. I guess we blog instead now.

ALways nice to go back and read those. I love your last shot with those dreamy effects.

keli [at] kidnapped by suburbia said...

I think everyone should have a box like that. Perfect!

Unknown said...

How wonderful is that???

great job!

Jessi said...

Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Francesca said...

love the box, lovethe photos. good capture. well done

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Erin, I love this!


Saj said...

Great captures! And I love your magical box! I should make one for myself-I love saving stuff like that!

Such The Spot said...

That's a great idea. And I love how that last picture turned out.

Mimi's Toes said...

Love your magical box! That is a very neat idea. Great Letters!

tiarastantrums said...

THIS was such a lovely post! great capture

Alice said...

yep, and we use email so much now that we rarely send beautiful letters and cards like these to have as keepsakes. you have a real treasure here. the box is beautiful also. did you make it?

i have my you capture post up now, so come on by The Shadow of the Cross and check it out. i'd love to have you visit :O).

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

Love, love, love this.

Anonymous said...

Aw, What a terrific idea. And what beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing a little bit of the magic with us. :-)

Catie said...

This is truly beautiful and so very special! It inspires me to dig out some of my "special" letters. Only I don't have such a cool box.

Amy said...

That is an awesome thing to have and reflect on! Love it :)

Hillary said...

I need to start one of these! thanks for such a great idea!

sunnymama said...

What a wonderful, magical box! Lovely captures and a lovely post :)

Sarah @ said...

This is such a wonderful, wonderful set of photographs. I wish I'd kept cards and letters this way. What a beautiful bunch of memories you must have bundled in those boxes!

PS - The magical thing makes sense to me! I'm due the same week you are and I won't say the names we've decided on out loud too often because they seem a little...sacred. Like if I say it out loud, it will turn out my belly has been playing tricks on me and there is no baby.

I sound neurotic, but anyway, the magic makes sense to me =)

Christy M. said...

What a special box! I love your interpretation of this week's You Capture! I also have a special box full of notes and letters that I treasure so much :)

anymommy said...

What a wonderful box to have. You are completely right at the end of this post - I feel inspired. Writing letters to people we love to let them know slips with all these fancy electronic ways of communicating and it is so important.

Leah said...

I love that you treasure a card from me! And I love you.

I have a card/letter box, too. Actually I have two of the same size as yours, they contain all the cards/letters that I have gotten since I was born that I think are SO special (uh, I am not sentimental enough to save every card/letter I get)...they are so peaceful to look at it; those special ones! said...

That last shot is so mesmerizing!


Crazy Babs said...

So amazing! Such a great way to keep memories. we love that PBS show Franny's Feet and my daughter made a treasure box to keep special items in... so fun!