Despite my love for spring, this wasn't as easy as I thought. We had SNOW on Sunday, and I had to break my winter coat back out on Saturday night. Still, when I pulled in the driveway yesterday, I saw these hopeful yellow flowers pushing up against the house, and I remembered why I love this season so much.
I love how despite the lack of sun lately, the wind, and the cold, this little flower is trying so hard to grow and reach the light and warmth. Aren't we all?
It's so hard for me to imagine the snow still on the ground. I'm in Florida, so we don't get that. I bet the Spring "pushing through" is really beautiful though. Great capture.
When I Grow Up
Yes... we are!
Really great words for a lovely little flower shot :)
Bless your heart....wishing you lots and lots of WARM SPRING THOUGHTS!!! Hang in there, it's coming! Great daffodils, they are such a beautiful sign of spring! :)
Your flowers are trying harder than mine. I think mine are a little wimpy, because they are still hiding :)
Wow! This flower is talking to me, saying hello Spring! My flowers are a little afraid to peek out. Glad you liked my garden gloves.
None of my daffodils that I planted last year have come up...I am hoping they are just taking their new baby time...but I so want them to come up and bloom!!
Great shot. Daffs SCREAM spring to me!
Daffodils are so cheery aren't they? My grandma used to buy them for my mom and I from the Cancer Society after my aunt died of cancer. To this day I can't see a daffodil without thinking of her.
There's definitely something about spring that speaks to the soul, isn't there? Great shot.
Great shot! I just can't get enough of brightly colored flowers! So beautiful.
Pretty flower shot, and good writing too!
i know i am trying to reach the warmth and light - it's a daily life. thanks for your post, i enjoyed your comments as much as your photo - which was beautiful!
my YOU CAPTURE post today includes drops, buds, and kitties. you are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. feel free to visit anytime :O).
Really, snow?! How crazy! At least you have that beautiful flower to remind you Spring is really coming! Love the shot.
What a great photo, I love colors.
erin, daffodils like this grow in the empty side lot next to my apartment. but, they haven't bloomed in champaign as of yet!
spring is my favorite, too.
Ok, now I'm seriously jealous. It was snowing here yesterday and the grass is still brown. :( I love your daffodil picture! I love spring, especially when were at IU... seeing all the beautiful daffodils and tulips.
So jealous of your flower. We have tons of snow yet.
Beautiful capture. And, oh yes we are! =)
Very pretty!!!!
I am so jealous of the daffodils! I think it's too hot around here for them, it's just rare to see them down here. They are just such a happy flower. Nice shots!
Ughh, we keep having these teasing glimpses of spring and then SNOW. I can't wait for about the end of May.
That's a beautiful picture. :)
I'm afraid my daffodils just don't have a strong enough work ethic. None have blooms this year. I had been blaming the long drawn out cold weather, but if yours are blooming in SNOW I think maybe mine are just slackers.
Great shot. :)
Yay for daffodils!! What a perfect spring flower. :)
so pretty - I think mine will be blooming in about 2 weeks - maybe 3
Awesome shot! I love those hearty little bonnets of a daffodil! Wasn't snow in spring dreadfully depressing?
Thanks for stopping by my blog to see my photos - stop by anytime!
What a triumphant & beautiful flower - great capture, Erin. I need to plant some daffodil and tulip bulbs at my house in the fall.
I hope you are feeling better, I used eyeliner on my top (and bottom) lid last night and I really liked it!
Oh and anytime you need me to come and mop so you can take a nice relaxing bath, let me know. I'll even bring trashy magazines and a tub of chocolate.
And peanut butter.
I love those flowers!! :-)
This was a tough challenge for you with snow :) but you got a beautiful spring picture anyway!
Love this shot!!! I gave you a bloggy award... here's the link!!
My thoughts of spring are always happy. It can snow one day, but you know for sure that when that sun comes out... everything changes in an instant!
This is a lovely, lovely photo. I love daffodils and their beckoning to us that everything is alive again!
(I am getting a new camera today. Mine has been broken for a couple of months and I feel totally naked. I am never, ever without a camera!!)
there is snow on our rooftops and sidwalks this morning. :( stupid ohio weather! i really thought we were done with it!
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