Lest you think I'm throwing gang signs, that's my fabulous pose for 11. Oh, and lest you think my camera is the reason this photo is blurry, let me assure you that the blurriness is entirely a result of my inability to stand still.
Just for fun, here's another bump photo, in which I use my bump to assault Crooked Eyebrow. I love how Sarah looks all, Yeah, I'm going to pretend like I have no idea who these freaks are.

Although people keep telling me I'm tiny, I tend to think they're lying because I feel fairly giant. But I'm loving it. I've been seeing a chiropractor, and my sciatica is becoming so much more manageable. What's really great, though, is that at this time with Luke, I remember starting to get so scared about the end of pregnancy, about labor, about having a BABY. I don't have those fears this time. I know every labor is different, but I also know that I made it through 22 hours of labor without so much as an aspirin and loved every minute (well, almost). I know every baby is different, and I know that it will be different with a baby and a toddler, but I also know that I made it through Luke's infancy without dropping him (or ramming my hand through his soft spot which was my super big fear. I hate soft spots). Although soft spots still freak me out--and yes, I know that soft spots aren't really THAT soft--the rest of the fears are so much less this time, leaving me to just enjoy pregnancy. It's really rare that my brain ever shuts up and lets my enjoy something, so I'm grateful!
I think you look great! And I know what you mean, I was really worried about dropping Jackson!
You look fabulous!!
You look wonderful! I can't believe how quickly this baby has pushed through time! And the only "soft spot" I can tell is your heart... it is so big and open and honest and caring! You will find that a baby and a toddler are as easy as you perceive it to be, and with your energy, it will be incredible!
Oh my, so cute! And soft spots totally freak me out too, thanks to an episode of CSI that I saw-- I'll spare you the details so your fear won't grow.
And the worries never really end, do they. Mom never lets me forget that part.
YOu look great Erin!
You do look great Erin. You and that baby belly can assault me any time
You look great Erin. Truly and I love the photo blurry and all. I am not fond of the soft spot either - I never felt it on my son, I mean I massaged his head but never pressed down on it. Yuck. That and belly buttons weird me out.
You are looking super beautiful!
And the soft spots!!!! OH MY GOD I am so scared of them!
You DO look tiny and adorable! That baby will be here in NO time, now!
So beautiful! Yes you are!!!
I can't believe how fast time is flying! Wow!
Soft spots are kinda creepy, but I was always freaked out by the whole umbilical stump. GROSS!!
Love you girlie!
You ARE tiny, and adorable!
Belly rubs.
I've added you to my blog roll:
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