You Are One of Them
Fortunately the one book that I did read this week was a really good one. Starting out during the Cold War, this book is about two young girls, Sarah and Jenny, who write letters to Yuri Andropov asking him to please not bomb the US. Despite it being Sarah's idea to write the letter, Jenny becomes a media sensation when Yuri not only responds to her letter, but invites her to the Soviet Union to see how nice he and his people are. While there, Jenny's plane goes down and her entire family dies. Years later, Sarah receives a letter telling her that Jenny may not actually be dead and she visits Russia to find out for herself. This story was about spies and the Cold War and international relationships, but it was also about friendships and growing up and letting go of the ideals you once held about someone. It was definitely an engaging read.
What are you reading?
The Light Between Oceans. AWESOME!!
An Abundance of Katherines. And this might be the first time in a really long time that I read 3 books in one week.
Finished the Dark Monk - it was good. The neat thing about the books is they are based both factually, and very loosely, on the author's ancestors - the Hangman, Jacob Kuisl, was only one in a long line of hangmen in Bavaria over the generations - even though the book is fiction, a lot of the history, events and locations are real - as are many of the character names. Anyone who enjoys historical fiction would enjoy The Hangman Daughter series.
I haven't read much for fun, but I had to read Entertaining an Elephant for my class and it was quite good. Definitely one if those motivate a teacher books.
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