First of all, can I just say that we rocked our Team Sparkle skirts?
I learned a few things about mud runs. One, the walls were just as difficult as I thought. I made it over one, but not without quite a few bruises and scrapes. I counted one as a victory and skipped the other two.
Two, swinging across a creek via rope is actually not as easy as it may seem. In fact, my train of thought went something like this, Whee! I got this, I got--uh oh. SPLASH. I also learned that rope burn on the inside of your thighs is maybe not ideal.
Climbing a cargo net was pretty easy, but getting to the top and realizing that the way down involved a steep board with two small planks stretched across? That was a little terrifying. But I did it!
And last, I learned that if you crawl through a water-filled tunnel, it will be cold and disgusting. So cold that I got down in it, felt the water go into my shirt and up and around my back and froze, thinking, What am I doing here!? Then my common sense kicked in and I realized that sitting there questioning what choice in life led me here was not going to get me out of the cold, wet tunnel any faster. Not surprisingly, the majority of the mud on my body came from this obstacle.
After the tunnel, the next mile was pretty much all running in mud. It was fun. And squishy. Sarah and I both ended up with trashed shoes.
Mostly, though, I learned how much fun this is compared to a regular 5k. It wasn't about the time it took or keeping a steady pace, it was just about being there, doing the obstacles, and having fun in the meantime. I can't ever see myself doing Tough Mudder because that scares me, but maybe something like the Down & Dirty Mud Run will be on my calendar for the next year?
so fun!!
Um, look at how AMAZING you look! Total runners bod right there. And I love the sparkle skirts! :)
I wanted to do something like this called the Warrior Dash but it fell too close to when we moved so I nixed it. But once we move back to Canada, I'm back on the running trail again (for now I'm a stationary biker...not nearly as exciting or exhilarating as running, but it's exercise, so I do it.)
I didn't tell you beforehand but a couple of my friends did one of these in Oregon a few weeks ago and several had significant injuries. Although maybe it was a more intense Tough Mudder thing instead of a 5K. Anyway, I'm glad you're okay and had fun!! :)
It looks like so much fun! (Except the cold part. No thanks.) And girlfriend?! You look HOT!
Glad you had fun, but I almost started hyperventilating just reading about it. I think I'll stick to dry, clean runs... :)
You are so hottie hot hot!
Our gym suspension runs out next month. . .which means I have to brave my germ-o-phobia and put Nate in the day care so I can finally loose my last 10. . .er, ok maybe it's 15lbs of baby weight.
I don't know where you get all your motivation from, but I want to steal some!
That actually looks like a lot of fun! Plus - you are smoking HAWT in your Team Sparkle skirt and knee socks. I might have to break out my skirt and run with you next year!
I did one this fall too. It was so much fun! I did it with a few other girlfriends and we are planning on doing another one. It is definitely not about time, which I liked. I managed to do all the obstacles, which was my goal.
You look way cute!
I want to do a mud run so badly! I have tried to recruit people for a race in November and no one will do it with me. And who wants to do a mud run alone? *sigh*
You are amazing and look absolutely adorable.
you girls are just too cute for words!
You absolutely rocked the glitter.
Love your skirts. Gotta be "sassy" while running in mud, right?
How cute are you? WAY cute, that's how cute!!
How fun!!
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