Over two decades ago, Claire and Lydia's sister Julia vanished without a trace. 20 years later, Claire and Lydia are estranged. Lydia is a single mom recovering from a drug addiction, while Claire is a wealthy trophy wife with no children. The two reconnect after Claire's husband is murdered and are sent on a dangerous journey in an attempt to find out what happened to their sister. I liked this book for the easy distraction it offered, but I ended with a lot of unanswered questions. While the story itself was engaging, the ending was a little too abrupt. Still a good read!
The Grownup: A Story by the Author of Gone Girl
I definitely wouldn't buy this book because it's so short, but the story itself was great. The narrator, unnamed, makes her living through deception. As a fake palm reader, she encounters Susan who offers to pay the narrator to come look at her evil house. Once there, the narrator realizes she's quickly out of her depth in this house along with Susan's supposedly evil stepson Miles. I liked this story because I wasn't sure who was unreliable: the narrator, Susan, Miles... or maybe all three.
The Martian
The difference between Mark Watney and me is that if I end up trapped on Mars, I am just going to curl up in a crater and die. He, on the other hand, immediately began making a plan for survival. I enjoyed this. It was sci-fi without dystopia. Space exploration without monsters. It's definitely a classic story of survival in unknown elements, and I enjoyed it for that.
What are you reading?
I just finished Gold Fame Citrus... set in the Western US after California, Nevada & Arizona have literally run all the water dry and a great sand sea has taken over that half of the country. Most people have moved East but some stayed and formed lawless, nomadic groups. Story follows one person who stayed behind. Interesting concept... flawed characters... but hard to read because it bounced with no warning from the story to "found documents" describing the situation at the time. Also hard to read because a lot of it seemed like one long, philosophical acid trip. Duuuuude.
Well since I commented last, I read: I've Got You Under My Skin by Mary Higgins Clark (meh..just ok), The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrows (loved it), Furiously Happy (loved it), A Window Opens by Elisabeth Egan (loved it), and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls (great read). Now I am working on What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. I'm on a fun roll of reading lately...entertaining but stuff that makes me think too.
I'm currently reading How To Build A Girl. It's a little slow in places, packed with a LOT of sex, but so far it seems to be holding my attention. The main character is really witty and I've laughed out loud in a few places. I'm only 1/2 way through, so hopefully I'll be getting to the meat of the story soon.
I've been reading Avenue of Mysteries for the past two weeks I think I'd like it if I had more time to read before my kindle falls out of my hand when I fall asleep. But right now it's moving more slowly than I would like.
I just finished Me Without You, and it was okay - good, but a bit predictable and the ending is tied up with a nice neat little bow, absolutely no surprises.. I have a really, really, busy time ahead, so I haven't started anything new, but am hoping to soon! Want to find a good mystery or suspense novel. Not feeling the fluff right now.
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