That said, I was a little nervous when I first received it because it did seem like a bit of a process for mascara. First you put on your regular mascara, let it dry, then apply the Younique transplanting gel, followed by the fibers, then finish off with a layer of the transplanting gel. One eye at a time. What I loved about it immediately was that it comes in its own little case! I love ways that I can keep my makeup easily together, especially while traveling.
After a few tries, I found that it actually wasn't as time consuming as I thought. The first time I used it, I was all over the place and ended up with fibers stuck to my cheek. That was not cute. But then, I got the hang of it and learned to hold both mascaras uncapped in my hand so I could quickly apply.
I found a few things: one, it does give my normally pitiful lashes a huge oomph. It is very dramatic! I loved it. It does not drift off or rub off throughout the day, which is a huge bonus. If I put on mascara, it's for the long haul. It also washes off very easily, although sometimes I ended up with fibers still clinging to my lashes. And finally, I learned that it is REALLY DIFFICULT to take pictures of your lashes. How do people do it? You can't see the full view here, but I think I at least illustrated the difference between just mascara and the 3D fiber lashes.
Although it is lengthening, it does not cause spider lashes. And if it does, you can easily tackle it with a lash comb.
Will I continue using it after these tubes are gone? I will! I really liked the lengthened lashes, plus the chance to play it up really dramatic if I ever go anywhere fancy (HA). If you're interested in trying the mascara (or any Younique products) and supporting my friend Ally, I do have a party set up. Or if you have any product questions, feel free to ask them here and I will pass them along to Ally!
What's your favorite beauty product that you cannot live without? Obviously it's mascara for me, but I am also very partial to cheek shimmer. I like to glow.
Ally provided the mascara but all opinions are mine
Erin, I am so glad you are enjoying the lashes. One day I put on several layers like I was going out for a big night (because I don't really go out either) and it was crazy how long they got. To the point that I just decided unless I was working a runway there was never a need for that length of lashes, but it was still fun to play around!
If anyone has any questions they are also welcome to contact me directly, ally at lyonslashes dot com. :)
Thank you so much for reviewing this product and sharing the awesome with your friends. :)
Thank you for the review. I have been looking for a new mascara and have wondered about these fiber lash mascaras that I have been seeing all over the place. It really did give you a nice boost!
Theresa if you have any questions I am happy to help. Feel free to contact me at your convenience. ally @ lyonslashes.com :)
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