This book was good. Not great, but good enough to keep me reading. Richard Haddon is a British artist living in France with his wife. Their marriage has lost the luster it used to hold, and Richard cheats on her. Not just once, but he carries out an affair over the span of seven months. Then his mistress leaves him to get married to another man and Richard realizes what he's lost with his wife (who is understandably angry once finding out about the affair). Richard spends the rest of the book trying to gain back her love. Richard definitely has an engaging voice, but it's hard to feel any sympathy for him whatsoever.
Field of Prey
I love John Sanford's Lucas Davenport series. Two summers ago, I read my way through all of them. This is the newest one. Two teenagers discover a horrific smell in the middle of farm country. The next day, one of them returns with a local policeman and they discover a once covered culvert… full of dead women. This was not my favorite of the Prey series because some of it was a little too predictable, but it still kept me turning the pages and engaged until the end.
High as the Horses' Bridles: A Novel
This book was a little slow at first, but once I got into it, I was hooked into the story of Josiah--once a boy who had a vision and predicted an end of time date--now an adult who goes by Josie and doesn't believe in God. Josie moves to California, as far away from his evangelist-like father as he can get. In his father's old age, Josie flies back to New York and finds his father slipping, obsessed with fasting and slowly wasting away in a garbage-filled house. The conflicts Josie feels with this situation, with his father's faith and his lack of were incredibly engaging. The voice of this novel was beautiful, too. Was it an exciting thrill-ride of a book? Nope, but it hooked me in so many other ways.
What are you reading?
Still plodding through The Drowning Guard - it's been a lot slower for me than Linda Lafferty's other books. Want to finish...hope I can. Ready to move on!!
1. I was expecting the Unwind "dystology" to end in UnSouled so I'm a little bitter that I didn't get my tidy ending. At this point I also feel like it's being drug out too long.
2. I read Untold by Courtney Collins in one day because I couldn't put it down. The voice in that book is haunting and beautiful. A story of a woman on the run based on a real life story of a horse thief in Australia... I loved it.
3. I read The Lobster Kings and it was okay. Good enough that I was fairly invested in the family saga and wanted to keep reading. I do like a good family saga.
4. I tried to read A Burnable Book which is set in medieval times and has Geoffrey Chaucer as a main character. Then I remembered that I despised Canterbury Tales and don't really enjoy the medieval time period. So I put it aside.
5. And I'm glad I put it aside because I got to the library and The Unknown Americans was waiting for me.
I finished We Were Liars this past week and really enjoyed it. It was a quick easy read, and the mystery aspect of it really drew me in. I also finished the Jojo Moyes book The Girl You Left Behind. I enjoyed that also, and I'm currently reading her newest book One Plus One. I got that ebook through the library, and it is awesome so far. Moyes is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
I have the first one on hold at the library. Been kind of busy with other things and have only been reading "One More Thing" by BJ Novak- it's short stories and I wasn't sure if I was in the mood for that, but given how sporadic my reading has been it's worked out well. And his writing is superb.
I am reading Double Dip by Gretchen Archer. It's hilarious.
I started reading First Love by James Patterson yesterday. Got about halfway through before we arrived in Chicago, then it was too dark to finish on the way home. So far I like it, but I keep thinking it's going to end a lot like The Fault in Our Stars. We'll see.
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