I've had this book around the house for awhile and kind of forgot about it. I picked it up when I was sick over break and started making my way through it. The author turned his own family history and memoirs into an epic saga of life in the 1800s that follows a family across four generations. I loved this book. It was sad and hard to read in some points, but a reminder that life in early America was anything but easy. There is a sequel to it that follows the next generation of his family, which I'll talk about below. What I liked about this book was that although it was a mostly patriarchal society, the stars of the books were the matriarchs of the family, who were all really believable characters.
Where'd You Go, Bernadette: A Novel
I loved this one! The characters were engaging and entertaining and I loved the style it was written in--mostly emails, phone conversations, faxes, not your typical novel. I also liked that the characters were so human, by which I mean that they weren't that likable. They all had qualities that made them somewhat redeemable, of course, but there were things that made you not like them, just like there are things about people you know that you can't stand, where you wonder why on earth they'd DO such a thing? Pretty much every character in the book was like that. I wasn't overly engaged in the novel's mystery, but I was definitely engaged in the characters and how they would unfold as the novel continued.
The Inquisitor's Key: A Body Farm Novel
I started reading The Body Farm novels after I read Death's Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales
Come Again No More: A Novel
The Chocolate Money
I checked this one out based off of Becky's recommendation on last week's post. I loved it. Parts of it reminded me a lot of the book Prep, but it was a lot sadder, as a whole. This was one of those books that pulled me in, but it was a tough read. I was drawn into Bettina's story and couldn't put it down, but it's definitely not a book for everyone. Some parts are hard to swallow and you definitely won't love or like or even be able to relate to some of the characters, but it's still a great book.
What are you reading this week?
Ooh - I read Dr. Bass not too long ago - picked up the Bone Yard and keep meaning to go back and read the others. It was great! I'm currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - I'm a little over half way through, and am really enjoying it. It throws twists at you left and right - I'm anxious to see the next twist in the plot.
I agree - Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl is a darn good read. I liked it so much I picked up her other novels Sharp Objects (not as good) and Dark Places (pretty good). While those two novels aren't as good as her third (Gone Girl), they were still worth the read!
Loving these Wednesday posts already!
You read all of that in a week?? I'm blinking at you and wondering where you found the time!
I could not get into Where'd You Go Bernadette! I don't know why- I didn't even get past the first couple chapters- should I try again? Or is it ALL like the first chapters? I finished The Handmaid's Tale (loved it, not happy about the ending- that's a real issue for me lately. Nothing ENDS as good as its beginning and middle!! Recommendations for that?) Now I'm reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Not really into memoirs as much lately but it finally came in from the library so I'm reading it.
I can't believe you're reading that many books! I'm a one-book-at-a-time girl. Right now I'm trying to get into the latest Janet Evanovich (number 19 I think) and it's just not happening. Maybe I'm bored with them by now.
I love you for doing these posts!!
I am finishing up Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum about a German Professor who learns the truth of her mother's role in Germany during The Holocaust. Very good. I think the next book I am going to read is Almost Moon by Alice Sebold, I borrowed it from a friend.
I loved Gone Girl! I would recommend Gillian Flynn's other books, too. Sharp Objects is even darker.
Bernadette was one of my favorite books last year. Crossing my fingers that it gets made into a movie because I think it could be adorable.
Found two new books to add to my Want to Read list - thanks! I'm reading my version of trashy lit in Phillipa Gregory's The Kingmaker's Daughter and up next (hopefully starting it tonight) is The Dog Stars by Peter Heller.
YAY! I'm so glad you read Chocolate Money and enjoyed it. It's very dark but that's one of the reasons I loved it.
Bernadette - LOVED! AND?!?! It's going to be made into a movie! HURRAH!
As Steph said, Wild was FANTASTIC! You'd love it.
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