This was the first year that Tommy really, really got it. Last year, he was still a YOUNG two and while he understood that he was getting candy at some houses, he was still content to hang back and was mostly still too shy to hold out his treat bag. This year? He was off and running with his brother.
At one house, he gleefully shouted KNOCK KNOCK as he ascended the steps, followed by TRICK OR TREAT. If you know Tommy, you know how shy he can be around people he doesn't know, so you'll know why we all looked at each other and burst into laughter at his excitement.
I didn't take very many photos because I was too busy watching them run from house to house and have fun. We trick-or-treated for an hour, which is probably our longest time. Tommy started to get tired toward the end and handed my dad his candy bag between houses with the warning, "But don't eat any of it, Papa."
Their excitement was probably sweeter than the Halloween candy that I stole from their pile after they went to bed.
I hope your Halloween was full of treats!
Your boys looked adorable! Glad they had fun.
Cannot believe how much time has gone by...your boys are growing up! Enjoy the Halloween fun while they still do! My son, now 13, almost had to be pushed out the door to trick or treat. LOL
Love this! Can't wait for next year when my little one is three and finally "gets it." I'm pretty excited to see him run off with his big brother just like you got to see Tommy do this year! Sounds like an amazing time!
Oh yes, TOO many treats! ha!
So cute, I love that Tommy had so much fun with it. The boys look GREAT! :D
Oh how cute!! Halloween was a bust here - I mean we had a good time but they celebrate on Sunday, and it was SO rainy, so we went to the zoo and they got some treats but it was NOTHING like a trick or treat haul!
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