Let me put this out here: If you are someone whose winter involves palm trees, warm weather, and sandy beaches, tell me not to go to your blog. Seriously. I will weep and throw things and tell you that I hate you. I don't hate you. Promise. It's just that I hate winter.
Because my winter looks like this...

Otherwise known as STUPID COLD. So cold that we make sure to give the birds extra food, so much that our backyard is always filled with birds...

I have to look extra hard to find color...

And make sure that babies are bundled up and hidden under coats when I go out to shovel...

But even I have to admit that sometimes? The snow is kind of fun.

You Capture: Winter
I just learned that today is Blog Delurking day... so if you read but never comment, COMMENT!
Because my winter looks like this...
Otherwise known as STUPID COLD. So cold that we make sure to give the birds extra food, so much that our backyard is always filled with birds...
I have to look extra hard to find color...
And make sure that babies are bundled up and hidden under coats when I go out to shovel...
But even I have to admit that sometimes? The snow is kind of fun.
You Capture: Winter
I just learned that today is Blog Delurking day... so if you read but never comment, COMMENT!
Awesome pictures! Especially the blue jay and Tommy. But the little splash of color from the berry shot was a great idea and a great photo!
Oh yeah, Hoosier hat, oh yeah!
I don't mind when winter looks like that--- what I hate is when the snow falls and cars drive in it and everything turns brown and gross. (Welcome to Detroit; we are all about gross here).
AND- your camera and your pics are amazing. Do you edit them, or are they just auto-fabulous?
Your winter is beautiful! Sometimes that's how ours looks when I look out the back door after a fresh coat of a snow. Great pictures!!!
I love the bird picture - and I'll trade winters with you. We don't get a ton of snow (except for a fluke blizzard a few weeks ago.)
Great Photos! I know what you mean about having to work to find color. Yikes! You did great!
It's SO cold. And it just keeps snowing around here (gotta love that lake effect - yay Michigan) My husband had an asthma attack recently and our snowblower is broken. RE: I have to shovel the driveway. Makes me loathe winter when normally I tolerate it.
LOVE the red berries (berries? leaves? I think berries...) picture and the one of Tommy all bundled up!
I thought the blue jay was cute, until I saw those two cutie boys bundled up for the snow!
Those are beautiful. I love the blue jay, but your little guy is even cuter!
Great Pictures! I thought the bluejay was stunning until I saw your adorable little boys!
Great shots! I love the blue Jay shots. And those boys are super cute! I agree with you about the stupid, stupid cold! I really dislike the cold weather, too.
Thanks for not hating me even though I have beach pictures.
I miss snow!
You always miss what you don't have. I love the picture of your bundled ones. I don't miss bundling, but I miss the cuteness!
Great shots!
I like these! The one of the bird is awesome!
Also, little Tommy looks so sweet all tucked into your coat. :-)
Don't you worry, it's snowy and cold here in the green Mountains, too :) You pictures are so amazing that I can't begin to decide on a favorite! Beautiful!!!!
Glad to see you all had such a fantabulous time at Cupcake 10 :)
I hate the cold too!!! I am so sorry for you :( And I live in California, so dont come to my blog ;-) (not really, do come over! :) i promise I dont have any pictures of palm trees)
Beautiful pics. And your son. He IS so smart.
By the way, now that you've told me a bit about your husband, when I see your tweets that say, "Shane will spend HOURS figuring out who got him or Luke sick," it makes me laugh so hard. :)
Love your little cutie in his sling under your coat. How adorable.
I know you don't like winter, but it sure can be beautiful!
Beautiful photos! I love the bluejay! And I totally agree with you about winter.
The blue jay... AWESOME!!! The pictures of the kiddos are adorable.
Thanks for sharing Erin.
I think it's beautiful but yeah, I'd be cursing the cold too. I can't take it.
You probably don't want to see my post about winter. There are flowers. Don't hate me.
LOL I am one of those palm tree people. But I have to tell you my son prays every night that Jesus would send snow to CA. He wants a wintry winter. He thought since we moved from HI it would snow in CA since it is colder. Your pics are beautiful.
i love your pictures. the bluejay is awesome, and pics of kids are always the best :)
NWI winters SUUUUUUUUUUUCK dont they???????????? hate.them.
Erin~ I am thinking of you as your Maternity Leave comes to an end. Last year, I was you. I went back to my class in January after the October birth of my daughter.
From what I know of you (based on your shared blog stories), you are a really strong person. You can do anything. And...if all else fails, pray for a snow day.
Love the snow pics by the way!
Fiiiiiiine, I'll comment! It's beebers from LJ!
I love your blog! You have such a refreshing way of looking at things. I have you linked in my sidebar too--hope that is okay! Your boys are so sweet and I love looking in on your life!
Love that bluejay -- I know they have a mean reputation...but they are so pretty. And look at that sweet bundle of joy! Precious!
I think winter has beauty hidden in it, and you captured it beautifully!
see, you made stupid cold winter only look cold. score!!
it's as cold as a witch's tit in a brass bra down here, but no snow. bah.
The photo of the bird is fabulous!!! (by the way, I LOVE your blog header)
i used love winter because of snow days. as my kids get older they would rather be w/friends at school, the snow days are boring for them now. plus, it's freakin' cold, enough already, 50-60 degrees would be quite tropical.
Love the picture of Tommy in the sling. Precious. I hate Minnesota winters for sure! cold, snowy, disgusting. We can finally go outside without warming our cars up...
I. Hate. Winter.
So, yeah every bit of sympathy from over here. All the beautiful pictures in the world will never make me like cold and snow. But the kids sure are cute all bundled up . . . :-)
Had I not read your words, I'd say you make winter look quite lovely! I especially LOVE the picture of Tommy poking his head out from inside his cozy cover!
I've always thought I loved winter because I live in Alabama and winter is usually just a good excuse to wear turtlenecks and boots. But this winter in Alabama = CRAZY COLD. I realize I hate winter. I hate my stupid dried out skin. I hate the stupid static in my clothes. I hate my kids' noses being constantly runny.
So, yeah, I hate winter.
On the bright side, your stupid cold winter makes for some really pretty pictures.
I would like winter alot more if I never had to leave the house.. view it all from the kitchen window! I married an ice carver and joke that in my next life i'm going to find a sand sculpturist to marry! One of them vacations in Fairbanks and hopefully the other is Cancun!
I have a love hate relationship with winter. If I could have pretty snow (the big piles of white) and 30's, i love it. The peace after a big snow storm, wonderful!
The sub zero, freezing rain, melting piles of snow, yuck...oh and sub zero wind-chills...that I hate!
I love your Blue Jay picture, we will now be stalking your blog everyday because it's my son's second favorite (to the cardinal) bird and the one we had eating from our feeder all summer has moved on....maybe he's at your house!
I live in western NY, south of Buffalo, in the snow belt, where our annual snowfall is about 200 inches or so, so I know about winter. :) It doesn't get that cold here, though, usually in the 20s during the day, so that's not too bad. I love playing with my son in the snow, but I haven't taken my daughter out in the wrap yet under my coat to play with him - I'm always afraid it's too cold! But I think that's a great idea. :)
We don't get snow very often over her in the UK so it's very exciting when we do. I can imagine that you get fed up with it after a while though! Great pictures, I love the bird in your garden
That blue jay is awesome! And I love the berries, too. I want a bush that will leave berries through the winter!
I also hate winter, but it can be fun. I'd be happy if it snowed on Dec. 22, and then it all melted on January 3 after we did some sledding and snow play. Then the temps could go back up into the 70's!
De-lurking to say how much I love your gorgeous pictures...even the ones that make me cold! It's been cold here in NC, but nothing like that. :)
Those pictures are so pretty, but this is coming from someone who is sweltering in 40C weather at the moment. I noticed on your profile that your favourite movie is the same as mine - I haven't 'met' anyone else who liked it as much as I did. (Dead Poet's Society)
Wanna switch...maybe just for a little while? I LOVE snow, I guess cause I never get to see it since I live in FL. I'd love to have a white winter, even just for a year. Hey I'm a teacher too, so next winter we can trade, I'll take your middle schoolers and your snow and you can have my 3rd graders and the HOT HOT sun! How 'bout it?
I comment occasionally, but I'll comment again today just to officially "de lurk."
And I love winter for about the first month, and then I'm over it and ready for spring. I'm about that way right now!
Not sure if I have ever commented, but I read all the time. I am here to officially "de-lurk". Thanks for the laughs, pictures and thoughts. I appreciate them all. Have a great day.
amazing shots!
i love them all.
I, too, live in the frozen tundra (West Michigan) and despise winter. Today was about 35-40 degrees, so of course it turned into a slushy mess here. Definitely not pretty.
Your shots are amazing, though! I especially love the blue jay. I wish I were half the photographer you are :) Thanks for sharing your gift!
I'm not sure if I've commented on here before or not...but I've been a follower/lurker for a LONG time :) I live in western NY and grew up in upstate NY (near the Canadian border) so I am used to snow and COLD. It doesn't mean I like it though :) I much prefer spring or fall...though I love what it looks like outside after a fresh snowfall :) (I love the picture of the bluejay!!)
The last one is my favorite! Hoosiers! Born & raised right here!
Beautiful shots - all of them :D !!
Officially NOT a winter fan, but your pictures make it look not-half-bad! I'm counting the days til I can break out the flip flops!
Oh, Erin... you didn't have to look far at all to get all the color of life anyone will ever need!!
You're winter pictures are so pretty! It's so sad you hate winter. However, you'd probably say it was sad that I hate summer, so I guess we're even. ;)
What great captures Erin. Great job!
Lurker here just leaving a comment.
Man....I have left so many of these today - lol
Those are wonderful. I especially love the baby in the sling one. How adorable. Great captures.
Beautiful! The Blue Jay is gorgeous!
I love the bluebird picture! Great shots Erin!
I LOVE that blue jay photo!
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