Just kidding, I don't really feel like a beached whale. Okay, I kind of did with all the skinny girls in bikinis, but they suck anyway.
The water was cold, so for the first time in days, I felt cool and comfortable with my feet dug in the sand.
It's hard to believe I'm 37 weeks. I saw my midwife today, and I'm back down to just a ten pound weight gain because it is too freaking hot to eat anything other than strawberries and ice cream. And watermelon. Lots of watermelon! She is estimating that if I had this baby today, it'd weigh six pounds, but if I (more likely scenario) have this baby at 40ish weeks, it'll weigh in the lower 8 pound spectrum. She was spot on in estimating that Luke would weigh nine pounds, so I trust her mad weight estimating skillz. My GBS was negative, which means she has no problem with me laboring at home for as long as necessary. It's funny how different this baby is from Luke. When she used to feel for Luke's head during internal exams, she could bob it around without any protest from him. When she did with this baby today, it immediately planted both feet in my ribs like, What the hell are you doing!? Anyway, baby's head is at a -2, I'm 1cm and soft but not effaced. At 37 weeks with Luke, everything was still closed up tighter than Fort Knox, and believe it or not, his head never descended to a -2 until I was NINE CENTIMETERS. For those of you not versed with prego lingo, a -2 is the *highest* point of head engagement, so basically, I had one stubborn ass kid.
I feel excited, but I also feel so content to let this pregnancy stretch on to 40 weeks. I'm enjoying it, I really, truly am. My only complaint is the heat and the fact that I have yet another toothache, but the heat is obviously out of my control, and the toothache is the result of a root canal yesterday and should hopefully feel better in a few days.
And now that I've let you all know the state of my cervix, I'm going to go take a nap, even though I've only been awake for roughly 2.5 hours. I love summer!
I love summer, too! And, I am so glad you're enjoying your pregnancy. You look amazing. I have bypassed your 10lb weight gain already and am 16 weeks behind you...this is not good!
You are adorable!
Cutest. Pregnant lady. EVER.
No, I mean it. :)
You always look so fabulous!! (Mental note: hate Erin for always looking fabulous!)
On a selfish note- I totally want your baby to arrive early. Not unhealthy early, just early enough that I could stop by and see said baby when I drive to Chiacago on July 10. ;-) According to my calendar, you need to speed things up!
Miss you!
Thanks for the thumbs up on her name. We really love it, too! Nope, neither are a family name. We just liked both of them. Emery is spelled with my maiden name intials haha. EME! :)
You certainly do not look like a beached whale-I think you look great. I was so miserable at 37 weeks pregnant that I could hardly move!
Baby will be here soon-yay!
So... I actually like hearing all about your cervix and all that good stuff. It makes me feel part of your miracle! Keep the news coming. This news is perfect news!
(I'm still thinking GIRL!)
That cold Lake Michigan water looks sooo nice! And you look so very cute! It's very hot here too! Sounds like everything with the baby is coming along great! :)
37 weeks? When did that happen?
You don't even look pregnant in that firt photo, but you look gorgeous, as always.
I can't wait to meet the baby hanging up in your ribs!
You look wonderful and peaceful!
stuff it. Id gained a good 40lbs by this point with Mason. you look like one hawt mama!
Hey, look at that, a little action ;-) You look beautiful and three weeks really isn't that long is it? Enjoy.
Love the belly shadow! You could shade Luke under there :)
You are looking as gorgeous as EVER!
Love summertime and the beach. You look great standing in the lake by your little guy...and maybe girl inside...still saying girl, but then again, I usually guess wrong.
OMG Dammit, Cameron seriously stole what I was gonna say!!! Word for word!! lol
I want to see more. More belly pictures, more preggo happy smiley Erin "the baby's coming" pictures. It's almost to the end, and I wish I would've had more of me. I want to be sure you don't feel the same way, too, once it ends.
Ack! The suspense is killing me. I know you're all hunky dorey with this little one coming at his or her leisure but dang it - I want to know what kind of parts it's sporting!!!
You look SO HOT!!!
Found the matching belly shot! It is just the thing to do at the lake.
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