But I'm pretty proud of this awful picture, because I took it after I ran my first 5k (the wonderful girls at Shrinking Jeans asked me to share my success story over there!) . I wish I could tell you that it was super easy, but there were parts when it was hard. An unexpected steep hill halfway through the course, making me glad that my usual running course has two hills in the last five minutes. Still, I had a stitch in my side from digging in to get up the hill that took me a few minutes to run through. Or the moment when I ran past the table of water at the two mile mark, because my usual runs are almost three miles and I don't drink water during those. Except that after that, all I could think about was how thirsty I was and how good that water would have tasted. Lesson learned: always accept water.
On the flipside, there were some awesome parts. At the first mile marker, the firemen had opened a fire hydrant so the water sprayed up and across the road. Running through the cool water was definitely refreshing and I was so thankful for that. And when I turned the corner into the parking lot and caught sight of the finish line, somehow managing to reach down inside myself and find the energy to run flatout? That was amazing. My goal was to finish in 36 minutes and not walk. I finished in 31 minutes and did not walk, plus I came in 2nd in my age group. Granted, there were only 200 people racing, so it's not like it was a huge selection, but I'm still proud of myself for that.
I never felt like I could call myself a runner before because I mainly ran in place with the wii fit while I was pregnant with Tommy, but after today? I think I might be able to call myself one...or at the very least, a jogger.
Also, for a no-make up, just ran 5k? AWESOME. :)
Well done, Mama.
What you did is so awesome, and I think you look beautiful after the race! I remember doing races and being so tired, but when you see that finish line and you reach down inside and run as hard as you can, it's the BEST feeling! I'm proud of you and motivated too!!!
Yay!! This is wonderful! SO proud of you. C25K is a wonderful program. I bet your boys are all proud of you too!
Yay!!! Congratulations Erin, what an awesome accomplishment. And damn girl, you look hawt!
You? Are gorgeous! And what an accomplishment!
From one runner to another. OWN IT! You are a runner. Keep going with it! So proud of you!
That is FABULOUS - congratulations!!!! Good for you! :)
Dude, you rule. And, I'm super intimidated to run with you in August. :-)
YAY!!! Erin!! Great job!
You look gorgeous. I hate you just a little. Congratulations!!
An amazing accomplishment. You are a runner, and a beautiful one! I need to be inspired to follow in your footsteps...
good job, erin! what shoes do you wear? can you email me when you get a chance & let me know. thank you, sista. xoxo
yes you are a runner! high five! i have not gotten through c25k, but you're inspiring me.
Yay for you!!! You are definitely motivation for me... I've been thinking about doing the c25K after I have this little girl and you are looking awesome doing it!
Way to go!! There are always lessons to be learned in every race. Great finishing time & age group placement too! You definitely ARE a runner!
GIRL, you finished SECOND. You are a runner. i'm so proud of you.
You are gorgeous and super awesome. :) xoxo
You are definitely a runner! Congrats on your first 5k!!
Congrats on your first 'official' run! Welcome to the club, it's a sometimes hot & sweaty club - but fun in so many ways.
You are SO a runner.
congrats!!! well done!!!
Congrats!! This is awesome and you are so a runner! I can't imagine being able to run an entire 5K without walking, but I'm going to keep trying!
Way to go!
You better be calling yourself a runner because you so are. I'm so proud of you. Awesome job!
31 MINUTES?!?!?! Are you freakin' kidding me??? That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I'm SO impressed. Really. WOW. Keep it up girl. You'll be gunnin' for a half mary (like me Dear God I hope I can do it) before you know it! :D
Great job!
You call yourself whatever you please - that is AMAZING.
You are beautiful.
You ARE a runner. Own it and be proud!
LOVE that you shared the pic and your time is AWESOME! CONGRATS and KUDOS!
you are TOTALLY a runner!!! Awesome!!! Did you get a medal??
You look great! And you are a runner :) Keep it up! Maybe you can find a 10k to train for!
You really are my hero!! And I love that picture of you!
You ARE a runner!! So exciting, so inspiring! Super proud of you. And you look gorgeous as your glowing, no-make-up self! Yay!!!
So what's next? Stick with 5Ks or a new training program or what?
Keep Running! You're an inspiration to newbies.
Hopping over from the C25K FB page. Congrats on your run! You did it in an AH-MAZING time and coming in 2nd, no matter how many entrants there are, is incredible. Did they give you a medal? :)
I've got 2 more runs in Week 9 and I'll have graduated from the program. I'm waiting to enter a 5K because I live in S. TX and it is blazing hot here through the end of September and sometimes October. We have been known to hit 100 degrees on Halloween. *sigh* But, I am doing my running outdoors so by the time some cooler temps come I'm hoping to fly through the 5K.
Again congrats!
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