Although it's only 39* outside, I just walked out to get the mail shoeless, because I miss the feeling of grass beneath my (unpolished, because why bother?) toes. This winter seems to be long, longer than most. I'm sure I say this every year, but I can feel the cold seeping into my bones. I can never get warm, even in layers, even under blankets, even in a warm bathtub.
I want nothing more than flip flops, sitting in the grass soaking sunlight into every ounce of my body, playing at the park, smelling the flowers.

I wonder when I'll get to dig my hands into the dirt and plant this sweet geranium? I'm starting to feel like we're living in Narnia, where it's always winter and never spring.
i think we have a lot in common, especially when i read some of your posts. i hate the cold. A LOT. i have tried to fake it and be like "ahhh, seasons are wonderful, blah blah blah." but no, i hate the cold and it is not wonderful. i want flip flops NOW. :)
I don't mind winter but when it is seemingly endless I do mind....very much. Please bring me backyard bbqs, swimming until dark, hide & go seek, long walks, laying on the grass and cloud shape conversations :) I'm ready too! Maybe even another park party with no broken bones this year!
You hit the nail on the head! I'm currently sitting in my living room wearing a long sleeve shirt, a short sleeve shirt over it, an jersey knit cardigan over that, and then a sherpa lined hoodie over that! And socks and slippers! When will it end???
That said, when I stepped outside a little while ago, the sun felt sooooo warm! 35 degrees in March is just not as cold as 35 degrees in December!
Sigh... I hear you!
I'm going to hot yoga for the first time since JAnuary tonight. I can't wait to lie there and SWEAT and finally get the chill out of my bones!
This is exactly why I hate this time of year. And I actually like winter. But now I am sooooo tired of being cold. So tired that it physically hurts.
I guess it's time I tell you that I sold you out for Turkish delight. I am the Edumund of this story. Eff. Sorry. The flaw here is I'm done with winter, too, and I don't really like Turkish delight.
I hope you get to plant it soon. I really do.
that is a tiny geranium! but i love those hardy little buggers. i was just wondering if they were an "old lady" flower but i'm glad to know others enjoy them as well. bc i think i just want to plant only those in my containers this year with maybe a trailing plant. so i think i will.
also, sorry you are in narnia. the end is in sight! (i hope...)
Try coming back from a week in Jamaica to Wisconsin. I cried and my skin peeled.
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