Thursday, January 1, 2009

Strike A Pose

After my embarrassing moment post from yesterday, I had a few requests for pictorial (and video, but you definitely aren't seeing that!) evidence of my super sweet drunk vogue-ing skills. So in honor of all those who drank last night, and in honor of the fact that it'll be a long, long time before I drink mass quantities, I present to you "Drunk Erin vogue-ing with a man she'd never met before."

Now before you judge my vogue skills, I'd like you to notice that I'm clearly leaning on my new friend, thus unable to stand up straight, let alone vogue properly.

So for 2009, I want you all to remember that sometimes you just need to let go and vogue with a stranger.


Crooked Eyebrow said...

Look at how cute you are!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Erin, you are so cute! I would love to hang out with you one day. You are such a fun person!

Jen S. said...

I'd vogue with you any day, drunk or not! :)

E said...

Too funny...oh sometimes those days are too fun!

Jenni said...

Let your body go with the flow
Do It...

Sharon - Mom Generations said...

"You're a superstar... yes, that's what you are. You know it!"

You're definitely letting your body flow with the... music!?

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! May 2009 be blessed and beautiful and bountiful and musical, too!

Much love,

Anonymous said...

bahaha that is so completely awesome.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I hope I have an opportunity like that sooner than later! And Erin you are adorable.

Steph said...

Sounds like a great way to start the new year!

Christy M. said...

You are such a cute drunk vogue-r.

Weith Kick said...

Yes! Bring back Vogueing! I never got enough of it, probably because I never really understood it, but I remember the video and I think I liked it because you could see part of Madonna's boob in it.

Anonymous said...

I love to Vogue with strangers. Strangers don't like it so much, though.

Ann Imig said...

Someone better bring vogue to cupcake.

See you there!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Ann. I now have high expectations to see some sort of vogueing this weekend. But it may be just too cold to do that sort of thing....
