Today was a good day. I went to bed last night, ridiculously happy for a friend. I woke up this morning STILL ridiculously happy for that friend. Don't you love that? Today was pajama day at work, which meant that I got to wear my cupcake pajamas, complete with matching slippers. AND my students were taking the ACT until 11 this morning, so I had nothing to do until then. As such, my team and I ordered a calorie-laden breakfast from
Schoop's. So not only did I get to hang out and do nothing in my pajamas, I got to hang out and do nothing in my pajamas while eating blueberry pancakes with whipped cream and a side of hash browns. Oh, it was GOOD.
I mostly failed at bump shots tonight because my camera batteries were dead. I had to use the webcam on my computer, which is decent... except for when you're moving while it's trying to take a photo. And because my favorite little cupcake decided he needed to be in the pictures, I was moving. A LOT.

You can't see my stomach at all, but I like this one.

16 weeks! 4 months. How the hell did that happen? I'm not a math teacher, but doesn't that make me almost halfway through this whole thing? Doesn't seem possible, but I'm feeling little flutters daily and loving it.
Your little belly is so cute! I love the pjs, they look so cozy!
You look adorable! How neat to be able to wear p.j.'s to work. That breakfast sounds amazing...especially since I'm on this awful liquid prep today.
I LOVE your cupcake bump.
(and I do realize that the above statement would be totally wrong if used in any other context)
16 weeks already?
wow. time flies.
Your morning sounds WONDERFUL! Did you buy those PJs just for PJ day?
Nice pajamas...
Your bump has grown so much in hte past few weeks! It is SO CUTE!!!
I love the pjs!!
holy wow... it's so hard to believe you're that far into this whole adventure already.
i ADORE the pajamas... and they're only made cuter by the bump!
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