While scanning Instagram and twitter before and after New Year's Eve, I noticed that a lot of people have resolutions to read more in 2013. And hey, I read a LOT, so I thought that maybe I could help with those resolutions. Which brings me to a new feature on my blog: What I Read Wednesday (because what I wear is boring). I hope to make this a weekly thing where I share new books that I've read, but that largely depends on me reading at least a new book every week. Usually I can do that, mostly due to having 45 minutes of silent reading time every day at work (not 45 minutes of uninterrupted time, mind you, because I have to pick my head up and shush kids often because they do not respect the silent reading time), but also because I don't watch much TV. After the boys go to bed, I unwind by reading. As well as this being a space for me to share what I'm reading, I would love it if you'd share what you're reading. As I'm plowing my way through new books, I need recommendations, too!
So, without further ado, what did I read this week?
This Book Will Save Your Life. I first fell in love with A.M. Homes when I read
May We Be Forgiven and I wanted to check out her other books (look, two recommendations in one!). It was one of those books that pulled you right in and you didn't want it to end. I'm happy that her other books are the same--at least,
This Book Will Save Your Life Is. Her characters are absolutely engaging, in such a way that they're real. You truly believe in how real they are. They are ordinary people who do extraordinary things and form bonds in such a way that almost make you want to walk up to strangers at the grocery store and see if you could do the same. In both books, I finished them as quickly as I could, not because I wanted them to end, but simply because I could not put them down.
Too Bright to Hear Too Loud to See. This book. Wow. This was one of those books that rattled around in my brain for quite some time after I finished it. With all of the attention focused on mental health in the media lately (rightfully so), this book was aptly timed. I finished it before bed, then couldn't sleep for an hour or so because I spent so much time thinking about the journey of the main character. It's tragic and humorous somehow at the same time. Read it.
Better Living Through Plastic Explosives
. Confession time: I kind of don't care for short stories. That's not entirely true. I enjoy teaching them, broken apart. When it comes to reading, though, I like to sit down with an entire book about one set of characters that I can sink my teeth into. I hate getting attached to one group, only to have it end in 20 pages. So, I don't really know why I picked up this book, other than I liked the title. That said, I really did enjoy most of the short stories in this book, especially one story about a group of angels who inhabit the bodies of a bunch of suburban teenagers and the incidents that ensue.
What are you reading? What would you like to read?
Ooh ooh! I'm going to add a reading page to my blog too because like you I'm a voracious reader.
Last night I finished The Chocolate Money. So good and yet so dark. LOVED it!
I just put the Too Loud one in my library queue. Thanks for the suggestion.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, The Last Warner Woman by Kei Miller and Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon.
Love your description of why you don't like short stories. I never put that into words, but yes, getting connected and then loosing that connections o quick is totally it for me.
You read so fast! Like, lightening speed. Too Bright to Hear Too Loud to see is next on my list.
Unfortunately I don't have anything new that I've read - I used to read a book a week, but the past few months I haven't had the chance. I will definitely add these to my kindle wish list, and try to get to them soon! One book, that I read quite a while back is A Thousand Splended Suns - I can't remember the author, but the book was eye-opening on life in Afghanastan for a female. My favorite book of all time is the Victor Hugo classic, Les Miserables, which seems like an appropriate read with the movie currently out (which I haven't seen, but heard is excellent). I'll add more as I read them - but I'm at work and my mind is blank. :)
Unfortunately I don't have anything new that I've read - I used to read a book a week, but the past few months I haven't had the chance. I will definitely add these to my kindle wish list, and try to get to them soon! One book, that I read quite a while back is A Thousand Splended Suns - I can't remember the author, but the book was eye-opening on life in Afghanastan for a female. My favorite book of all time is the Victor Hugo classic, Les Miserables, which seems like an appropriate read with the movie currently out (which I haven't seen, but heard is excellent). I'll add more as I read them - but I'm at work and my mind is blank. :)
I'm terrible about reading. Probably cuz I spend too much time on my phone and Hulu.
I just finished The Hobbit and the third Nora Roberts book in her Inn Boonsboro trilogy.
I'm currently reading The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach.
I just finished The Fault In our Stars by John Green and loved it. I just started Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum and after this I will probably read the Janet Evanovich book I need to read in her Stephanie Plum series.
Didn't know the sequel to Sun Going Down was out!
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