Otherwise, life is good. This year's group of students seem a little calmer than last year, which is a blessing. Since Luke is now in public school, we've hired a cleaning lady again and let me tell you, I'm breathing a sigh of relief while standing in the middle of my clean kitchen floor. Luke's teacher emailed me to tell me that he's one of the most well-behaved students in his class. I'm exhausted at the end of the day, yes. I still wish I didn't have to work, of course. I miss my boys like crazy. I don't have the energy to run most days and I'm not sure if I'm going to make it through training for this half marathon, but I can't complain about much.
Mostly, I'm just super proud of this guy right now.

He was a little nervous, can you tell?
Unfortunately, since we both had the same first day of school, I was not able to see him off on the school bus. Luckily, Shane was able to go to school a little late since he started sooner than I did. Whew.

And I was able to speed home and see Luke and his friend Addie, who he's known since he was six months old get off the bus at the sitter's house. Addie hugged me and told me the bus was HOT.

Then they ran across the street to tell the sitter about their day, because she was waiting just as anxiously as I was!

It's hard to believe that it's already Labor Day. We've already done our first homework assignment and made our first Scholastic book order. I'm hoping there will be a field trip soon!
Aw, great job Luke! It's the real deal now. :)
Cute pics. My son started 5th and my daughter 11th. Makes me feel old!
So cute. My kids go back tomorrow. I'm thinking they aren't quite as excited to start 10th grade as they were when they started Kindergarten :)
aww! so sweet!
It's hard to believe he is in Kinder too! (along with my G!). Glad he had a great first day/week! :)
Yay Luke!
Yay Scholastic book orders!!
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