Yesterday, we headed to the Millennium Park splash pad and met up with Jo, Kate, Martina and Megan. I've wanted to take the boys here all summer, so the change to go and meet up with friends and make new ones? Perfect!
My kids love water, so they dove right in as soon as we arrived. They were impressed with the size compared to our tiny little splash pad!

I love how little kids will all bond over a ziploc baggie of Goldfish crackers. It's an adult version of happy hour.

After a ridiculous amount of splashing and jumping and running and cracker eating and kissing, we dried off and went to the Bean.

We walked past on the way the splash pad and I promised the boys we could go back after we played in the water for awhile. Sometimes living as close to the city as we do, we forget to do touristy things with the boys. Maybe these things need to be on next summer's to-do list.

They loved it! After the Bean, the kids were all famished. If you follow Jo, you know she has the most delicious baby girl. As if the hand on Luke's thigh wasn't funny enough, she definitely tried to make a move for his hot dog. Luke told me later that this was his favorite part of the day, followed by holding Megan's baby.

The boys were having such a great time that we stayed a little later that I intended. Luke likes pretty ladies, so this happened.

After this, Tommy started to get a little crazy tired because we were about two hours overdue for his nap, so we packed up and started the walk back to our car.

I want to pat myself on the back for walking Tommy several city blocks without him dashing into traffic or jumping over an overpass. Yes, I decided to forgo a stroller entirely because I am slightly insane, but we did it and lived to tell about it. The boys hung on awake for the first 25 minutes of our drive, then they passed out. We got home and I put them directly into the bathtub, because they were filthy... which is kind of the sign of a good day, yes?
Gosh, you make me want to go back to that city. Good thing BlogHer is there next year so maybe I can!
And I think I stood pretty much exactly where Tommy is standing in that one pic, on the cement wall when i was there! I have a photo too (of my preggo belly). :)
Looks like a WONDERUL time!1
looks like fun!
LUKE IS MY BABY BOY!!! Smooch smooch smooch.
Yes, filth = a wonderful day.
P won't stop talking about your boys today. And if E could talk, I bet she'd still be talking about that hot dog.
Aww! Love all the pictures!
That last picture is my absolute favorite though.
One day I hope I have enough money to take the girls to Chicago. I think it would be awesome to get me, you, and Micah and all our kids together to play. It's hard to believe that in a few years...we'll have known each other for 20 years. WOW!
Yes, when my kids are dirty I take it as the sign of a good day.
We always spend one day just hanging out in the city before school starts. These pictures make excited for this little ritual of sorts - probably going next week!
that is so awesome! it looks like you all had an awesome time!
That looks like SO much fun! :) Yay summer!
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