Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rocket Man

I'm not quite sure how to begin Thomas's birth story. I'll begin by saying that in a million years, I never would have imagined his birth like this.

But also, in a million years, I would never change a thing.

I woke up early Friday morning with some cramping and very light bloody show, but I'd had some a week prior that amounted to nothing. Beth was determined to send me into labor, so we set up pedicure appointments for 1 that afternoon, with Beth explaining to the girl that she had to put me into labor. She worked on my Spleen 6 pressure point, and I felt some contractions afterward, but nothing major. I went to my midwife appointment after the pedicure, and my cervix was still so posterior that she had to reach up to my throat. I'm not joking. However, after feeling around my tonsils, she said I was 2-3cm and 70% effaced. I knew that didn't necessarily mean anything, but it was good progress, so I felt positive. On the drive home, I felt a couple more contractions, but they were still 10-15 minutes apart. I called my doula at about 5:30 to update her and let her know that I was contracting some, but they were very, very mild. She told me to call her back at 8 and let her know how things were going and to eat a good dinner, just in case. At that time, I started timing contractions, just out of curiosity. They were ten minutes apart and less than a minute in duration. I ate dinner, watched Thomas the Train with Luke, then gave Luke his bath and got him ready for bed. My contractions were still ten minutes apart and while they were definitely noticeable, they still felt like they could fizzle. At 9, I called my doula, and she said she wanted me to do 30 minutes of knee to chest on the floor, with pelvic rocks during contractions. After that, she wanted me to get in the bath for 30 minutes, then climb into bed and try to get some rest. She said if it was real labor, it'd relax me and enable me to sleep a bit before real, active labor hit, and if it wasn't real labor, it'd put a stop so I could rest. I followed her instructions and from 9-10, I did pelvic rocks and the bath. From 10-11, I slept in between contractions. They were still 10 minutes apart. When I'd have a contraction, I'd get up and walk through it, as they were still that manageable. They were starting to hurt more, but mostly, I was feeling pressure. Since the baby was still so posterior earlier in the day, I assumed what I was feeling was hopefully movement to an anterior position. At this point, I knew I was in labor, but I didn't see myself having a baby until the next morning, like around 7 or 8. My labor with Luke was all natural but long (24 hours from the time my water broke), and while I felt this one might be shorter, I was thinking around 12 hours of active labor, which would be half of what I had with him.
I should note also that my midwife always says to call her when contractions hit 3-5 minutes apart OR when your water breaks. I kept waiting for my contractions to get closer together, but they stayed at 10 minutes apart with hardly any bloody show, so I didn't think I had a whole lot of progress going on yet. At 11, I got up and filled up the bathtub, thinking I'd get in there again and relax. I went and got some water, checked my email, and did a few other things with contractions still ten minutes apart. At 11:40, I was hit with a hard contraction that felt like my pelvis was splitting. Four minutes later, I had another. At this point, I checked, and while the bloody show was still VERY light, it was redder. I called my doula at 11:48, and she said she'd leave and meet me at the hospital. I woke up Shane and called my midwife's emergency number, then called my mom to tell her to head over to watch Luke. At 11:53, I spoke to the on call midwife, who asked me a few questions, then said to come in. I hung up the phone with her and sent an email to my girls at 11:55 saying I was in labor. I hit send, started to type up one more email, and was hit with such a hard, fierce contraction that I went right to my hands and knees. In the midst of it, I started to bear down and felt something between my legs. I don't know what went through my head at this time, but I automatically reached down and felt.

This is the part where I wish I could say that I kept it together, but what I felt was not what I expected. I expected either nothing or a head. What I felt was like a water balloon, and I knew it was not a head, and my hand came up covered in blood. I started screaming for Shane, who was downstairs putting in his contacts. I asked him what he saw, and he said it was something, but it wasn't a head. I panicked. I yelled at him to call 911, then looked up as Luke appeared at the top of the stairs saying, MAMA!? I said, Mommy's okay!! Then jumped up and started to head downstairs, my goal to get to the bathroom. Shane was on the phone with 911. I made it four steps down to the landing, when I was hit with another powerful contraction. I gripped the railing, looked down, and saw his head, at which point it hit me that my water hadn't broken, so what I felt first had to be the amniotic sac. If I'd seen a head first, I wouldn't have told Shane to call 911, but I was just so freaked out by what could have been coming out of me. I dropped into a squat, and his head came out the rest of the way. Luke was in the kitchen, peering down the stairs with tears in his eyes, so in the midst of this all, I was assuring him that everything was okay. I cupped my hands around the baby's head and his body corkscrewed out of me and into my hands without pushing any more at 12:02AM on July 18th. The sac was still intact (yes, he was born in the caul, and I think that is the coolest thing EVER), so I used my thumbnail to slit the sac open, at which point the fluid broke all over my legs. I peeked between his legs and shouted up to Shane that it was a boy, then told Luke that he had a new baby brother. I brought him up to my chest, rubbed his back and said,
"C'mon baby, cry for mama," and he gave me a loud cry. He was the cleanest baby I have ever seen because he was inside the completely clear amniotic fluid the entire time. Shane was still on the phone with 911. The dispatcher told him to tie off the cord with string, and hilariously, I completely forgot that my birth plan included not clamping the cord until it stopped pulsing. Interestingly, Shane was so nervous that he tied the twine so loosely that it didn't do anything, so by the time any one even got around to cutting the cord, it was pretty limp and white.

At this point, we heard a knock on the door, and it was a volunteer firefighter who lives around the corner and jumped in his truck when he heard the dispatch. I should mention that this poor guy had to be younger than me and looked like he was vaguely wondering what the hell he walked into. I was still holding Thomas tight to me, Luke was peering from the top of the stairs, and Shane was answering the questions the kid was asking. Next thing I knew, I looked up and there were five firefighters standing in my kitchen staring down at me. Did I mention that I was completely naked? Oh yeah. Next, two female EMTs came in, and I swear, choirs of angels sang at this point. One immediately shouted for someone to get me a blanket, while the other asked for a clean dry towel for the baby. They talked to me and helped me rub him to get him to pink up, even asking me right away if I was going to breastfeed. I told them yes, and they said great, because I could get started in the ambulance. I held tight to Thomas this entire time, and Shane was holding Luke in the kitchen while talking to him about his new baby brother. The EMTs asked if I could walk up to the kitchen to get on the stretcher, and I said, Uhh, I just gave birth to a baby on the stairs, I think I can handle this. I carried Thomas up the stairs with me (still completely naked save for a small blanket) and climbed on the stretcher. They got me a gown and found a little hat for Thomas, but let me lay him skin to skin with me before covering us up with warm blankets. They wheeled us outside, at which point, I realized that there were more fire fighters in the front yard and that both the ambulance and the firetruck had the lights going. They put me in the ambulance, and shortly after, my parents pulled up, both freaked out at the scene. My parents got on the ambulance with Shane and Luke to look at Thomas. Luke looked at Thomas's toes and said, "Baby has piggies!" My parents, Luke, and Shane all went to go inside to get their things and follow us as the ambulance left. Again, let me say that these two female EMTs were like angels. The one in the back with me helped me get Thomas into a position where I could nurse him, though he mostly just played with my nipple. She massaged my uterus (placenta still hadn't delivered) whenever I'd complain of cramps, and when I said, "So uhh, this doesn't happen very often, does it?" She laughed and said, "No, not so much."

We got to the hospital and they took me in through the ambulance bay, which meant that my doula and the midwife on call stayed in the ER waiting for me to come in, thinking I was coming in in labor. I was situated upstairs with Thomas for ten minutes before they got there, as they didn't realize I was upstairs until Shane and my parents came walking into the ER. My doula ran over and gave me a hug and a kiss and said she couldn't believe it and joked that she warned me how quickly second labors can turn. I delivered the placenta and started nursing Thomas while the midwife stitched up a second degree tear, exactly how I tore with Luke. I was worried that with the sheer speed of things, I would've torn worse, but it wasn't bad at all. My wonderful, amazing doula fed me bites of a chicken sandwich and it all started to sink in. Shortly after, Beth called, and I filled her in on the whole story so she could tell everyone that this email, sent at 1:41, was not a joke:
"Its a boy, you guys. He was born on the stairs before we could even leave. No I'm not kidding!! Someone call Beth in case she's still on standby. We are at the hospital now."

There's more, so much more, but this is already so long. Suffice to say, everyone at the hospital knew our story within a few hours, and in the past 36 hours, I've told it more times than I can even remember, but the truth is, I like telling it. It was wild and crazy and a little bit scary at times and our first birth photos were taken with my iPhone because obviously Beth didn't make it and hello, who thinks to grab a camera? Still, it's so special to me. This was how Thomas John came into the world, and I wouldn't have had him any other way.

July 18th, 12:02AM (the 911 dispatcher had this on the transcript as the time that Shane told her the baby was out)
7lbs, 110z
20 inches long


  1. That is the coolest birth story ever!

    Blessings to you and your newest little one.


  2. OMG! You are Superwoman! I can't even imagine. He is absolutely adorable!

  3. I don't even know what to say. You are my hero, lady!!! What a great story to be able to tell though. I'm glad that all is well and Thomas is in your arms. Your pictures are beautiful!!!

  4. crazy. crazy. crazy. I had a pretty scary intense birth with my second - but this takes the cake.

    So glad all is well - can't wait to hear more. He just might be a dramatic kinda kid with a birth story like that!

    But girl, you got me scared for what's to come for me. My Dr. is already saying that when the time comes she wants to induce me so I don't have the baby on the kitchen floor.

    And now I believe her that it just might be possible...

  5. Oh God, Erin. Even though this isn't the first time I've heard this story, it still has me crying. You are AMAZING, your family is AMAZING, and that baby boy is pure magic.

    Love you!

  6. This is the BEST birth story I've ever read, seriously.

    You are my hero.

    Congratulations ~ he's beautiful!

  7. This has blown my mind.


    And, by the way, you've done your blog title justice!

  8. there's no words for this story, except AMAZING. INCREDIBLE! congrats!

  9. Wow! What a story! Not many women can say they delivered their own baby all by themselves. So glad it went well and you are both happy and healthy! Congrats!

  10. can't make up stories like that!

    Congratulations to all of you! Glad everyone is safe.

  11. this is so incredibly awesome that i don't even know what to say.

    i laughed and cried reading it.

    so, so happy for you and your family.


  12. Wow Erin, that is just amazing. What a great story to tell him as he gets older. It has also been said that it is good luck to be born in the caul. He will live a very charmed life for sure.

  13. Oh.My.Goodness. You are amazing! What an awesome story! Congrats on your beautiful boy!

  14. Completely amazing birth story! My second baby came a LOT quicker than my first, but nothing like that :) He is beautiful.

  15. Wow!! That is an amazing story! You are amazing!!! Congratulations.... what a story! LOL! Best birth story E.V.E.R!


  17. This is the absolute best birth story EVAR! Congratulations mama! You done good. ;)

    Your boys are the same ages apart as my girls. :) I think...if not pretty close! It's fun. :) Congratulations on your beautiful new little baby boy...and congrats to big brother! Oh and Shane.

    Which...I have to say I'm pretty proud of Shane. Just the other day I was reading your blog...the entry about how Shane wanted you to have a doula because he wasn't sure if he could handle the ick. So I was curious to see how he handled THIS. :)

    Congratulations again! I'm so happy for you!!

  18. WOW! Huge congrats & SO glad everything worked out with your beautiful baby.

  19. This is my fear with Baby3 since Baby2 was crowning (at hospital, thank goodness) without anyone knowing. Congrats on your wild and awesome birth!

  20. haha! Great story! My second birth was like this, too. Baby born into my underwear on my bed - husband had to remove them to catch the boy. Daughter and babysitter watching, midwife still an hour away.

  21. Wow, wow, WOW! This is just the coolest story EVER! You are totally a superhero birthin' mama. YAY! Happy babymoon. :)

  22. I'm a stranger, saw a tweet with link here. I'm 8 mo preg and honestly I would love to have this happen! I could never PLAN a home birth, but I agree with you that the way it happened was just awesome.


    (and I too have heard that being born in the caul is good luck, so, doubly cool!)

    And he is gorgeous. :)

  23. Wow. What an amazing, beautiful birth story. He is precious and looks a lot like his big brother! You handled everything so well too! Much better than I would have! Way to go, Mama!

  24. Congratulations on an awesome birth! You just had an unassisted homebirth! Rock on, mama!

    PS. My brother (middle of five children) was born just about exactly this way and my mom figured it worked so well, she went on to have the next two at home-- planned this time :)

  25. I'm bawling... oh, the part with your angel EMT women got me. Erin, this is such a story you will be telling as long as you live.


  26. I came over from Beth's site and must say you have one of the best birth stories I have ever heard of.

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy.

  27. Laughing and crying with happiness for you! Very cool birth -- leave it to you!

  28. WOW!!

    Amazing and awesome! Congrats!!!

  29. Wow wow wow. I don't even know what to say! What an incredible experience and story. You truly are Super Woman!

    Congrats to you, Shane & Luke! Thomas is beautiful!

  30. Awesome. Amazing. Wow. What a wonderful story. I have chills.

    Congrats on your new healthy son!

  31. Oh my gosh Erin - I'm sooo proud of you!! I can't stop crying with your story. You are a fine example of an amazing mother. I can't wait to meet your little miracle someday!

  32. awesome awesome story! Very very nice. I've had 2 at home "unattended" like you. But unlike you. I didn't plan to be unattended, but I did plan to be at home. Congrats to you and your family! Well done!

  33. Came over from Beth's and did not expect such a wild birth story!! :) Thank the Lord you and the baby are alright. Beautiful pictures!

  34. Wow!!!! You really are a superhero!!! What an amazing story to tell the rest of his life :)

    Enjoy the little one. He is so precious!

  35. wow!!! that has GOT to be the BEST birth story i've ever read! amazing!!! congrats!!! brothers are fantastic!

  36. Wow, just wow! I bet you had no idea how true your blog title would become. You are a true superhero by night! Thomas is just beautiful! Congratulations and get some well deserved rest.

  37. Congratulations Erin and welcome little Thomas =)

  38. This is truly an amazing story! You are amazing! I did birth three of my children at home BUT not unassisted! What a wonderful story to tell. It made me cry!

  39. WOW. I mean WOW!!!!

    It's like something out of a movie, Erin!!

    I'm so glad that it turned out fine and that you and baby Thomas are well. He's just precious and your story is amazing. Love and hugs to you and your new angel. : )

  40. Congratulations! You are AMAZING!!!! Your birth story is so incredible. Your new little boy is precious ... enjoy him!

  41. I have goosebumps, and I already heard most of the story from Beth.

    You are AMAZING. So amazing.

    Rocket it. So much.

  42. You ROCK, Mama! Congrats to you and your family. Such a great story!

  43. Beautiful. What a calm, amazing mother you are. I am so very happy for you, your beautiful new baby boy and your whole family.

    ALSO, HOLY FREAKING GODDESS, GIRL, you had your baby on your stairs and you handled everything yourself!!!

    Love you.

  44. If I had heard this story elsewhere I totally would not believe it! Like someone else said, you really *are* a superhero by night! I'm so happy to read this story and I'm so happy for you, Shane, Luke, and Thomas! You will be telling this story for the rest of forever, and I'm sure Thomas will, too!

  45. While that is a scary story it is also one of the most beautiful I've ever read.

    I'm glad you are both alright and you were amazingly strong through the whole thing. Congrats mama.

  46. HOW amazing! Wow! I saw 'a whole lot of nothing' tweet about this.
    So cool!
    You completely rock!

  47. What an amazing, touching story! No one could read it without tears of joy.

    Congratulations on your beautiful boy and his beautiful birth. You are INCREDIBLE!!!

  48. That is the only way to do it. You are awesome!!! Congrats on a beautiful baby!!

  49. WOW. Incredible.

    A million congrats. He's precious.

  50. I am in tears of joy (and shock) for you. Thomas is handsome and you, my friend, are SUPERWOMAN!

  51. I found your site through Steph's tweet. Amazing, beautiful birth story. Blessings on your beautiful family.

    Bri Morrison

  52. Holy moly! This is crazy and beautiful! You are AMAZING! I loved reading Thomas's birth story, geez, will he have one to share when he is older! And I told my husband the 'g' rated version of the story and he thought the male firefighters were funny since they didn't do anything but the women knew what to do. :)

    You are truly a rockstar. And for some reason this story gave me a tiny bit of baby bug. ;)

  53. That is amazing and congratulations. What a fantastic birth story.

  54. Congratulations to you and your family. This is one of the best birth stories I have ever heard! He's beautiful.

  55. How cool is that? What a great story and congrats to you on your new baby boy! So precious!


  56. Wow, that is the wildest birth story I've ever heard! Congrats to you & your whole family and especially little Thomas!

  57. Rocket Man is a perfect name for your new bundle. This is a birth story perfect for TLC channel. Totally amazing! I am thrilled that Luke has a brother. How neat that you guys were even watching Thomas the train. He is such a handsome little man. You are one amazing momma, a true Superhero!

  58. Most amazing birth story ever, I cannot stop crying about it!! You are amazingly awesome. He's gorgeous, you are gorgeous. Beautiful family.
    :) And babies born on July 18th are totally awesome. :) Just saying. He weighed exactly 1 lb. more than Adrian too and was the same length! Aw.

  59. What a gorgeous story. You are awesome!

  60. Erin, that is a beautiful, awesome birth story. You are an amazing women!

    Congrats to you, Shane and Luke! He is beautiful!!!!!

  61. I just tell people this story and I feel like it's the coolest thing in the world, I can't imagine what it's like to actually have lived it.

    You are a rockstar, superwoman, YOU ARE Dr. Erin.

    And uh...I'm secretly overly excited about going back to get our next pedicure because something tells me we will need to go back very soon and share this story. We just need to bring our disco sticks.

    love & punches.

    (is it wrong to use 2 adverbs right next to each other in a sentence like I did in the final paragraph? If so, then that's a stupid rule.)

  62. That is the coolest story, and the most amazing too. I am in awe of your strength.


  63. So hardcore!
    Named my second Thomas, too :)

  64. Wow, that was an amazing birth story. Congratulations!

  65. I have to say my favorite birth stories are accidental homebirths--but yours is by far my FAVORITE! So incredibly awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  66. That is amazing! Congratulations and welcome to the world, Thomas!!!

  67. So incredible! Glad to hear everyone is well. Congratulations!

  68. Congrats, what an amazing story!

  69. I have goosebumps reading this!!! Congratulations!! What an incredible way to enter the world :)

  70. Congratulations Erin, Shane & Luke! Thomas John is beautiful and the pictures of the 2 of you are GORGEOUS! This story is nothing short of AMAZING! I had tears, goosebumps and jaw on the floor! Very cool story and blessings ALL AROUND!

  71. Shannon's Inspiration Station (old blog posted- sorry, new one is on WP)
    Congratulations Erin, Shane & Luke! Thomas John is beautiful and the pictures of the 2 of you are GORGEOUS! This story is nothing short of AMAZING! I had tears, goosebumps and jaw on the floor! Very cool story and blessings ALL AROUND!

  72. Oh my gosh! That is the most amazing story I've ever heard! YOU are amazing.


  73. This "story of how I came into this world" is one of those amazing ones that will make everyone... especially Thomas... smile forever and ever. Isn't is perfectly wonderful how instinctively you knew just what to do. This is such a truly joyous story with the happiest ending of all! What a little darling! Congratulations from my heart of hearts!

  74. This is the best story in the history of women giving birth. I wish it was my story :) Thomas is beautiful!!

  75. OMG!!! You are a strong woman, you stayed so calm and look at him? he is beautiful.


  76. I am a friend of Beth's and have been following her tweets about this -- what an AMAZING story!!! You are a pillar of strength.

    You are a true mother!!

    Congratulations, and I hope your husband knows what a total TROOPER you are - the part where you were delivering your baby on the stairs AND comforting your toddler at the same time was amazing!

  78. an amazing, amazing story. and perfect title.

    and such a perfect boy. i've always heard that the caul is lucky...may his life always be as interesting as its start.

    congrats to you.

  79. Oh my goodness, Erin! That's unbelivable! I'm so glad that everyone is O.K.

    What a truly incredible story!

  80. What an awesome, awesome story. Thanks for sharing!

  81. Absolutely amazing.
    And beautiful - I am so happy for you Erin, what a fantastic story, and even better, what a fantastic birth.
    He is gorgeous and so are you, congratulations! :D

  82. This is a miracle! What a fabulous story, he'll love hearing you tell it over and over when he's older.

    congrats to you and your family!

    He's gorgeous!

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. An aboslutely stunning and amazing birth story - congrats to you and Thomas and Luke and Shane. Wow. Brought tears to my eyes.
    He's beautiful! ps. my husbands b-day is the 18th too :-)

  85. WOW! That *is* an amazing story! How cool for Thomas when he grows up to have the story recorded!!

    I'm so glad I started following Beth (@foldinglaundry) who then recommended following you, so that I got to read this.

    Congratulations to you and your beautiful family.

  86. Oh, my WORD, that is SO crazy - you have inspired me to make SURE I go to the hospital earlier than I think I should with this baby - my 2nd!!! :)

  87. I don't know you, but I am sitting here bawling (it probably helps that I'm pregnant) at this incredible birth story. Wow, wow, all I can say. There is no other like it. You handled it amazingly and we felt like we were there in the way you shared it with us. What a neat story to tell for years and years to come. Congratulations...your son is beautiful!

  88. What a cool story! And, you're a supermom! Congratulations on another beautiful boy!

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. That is amazing! I can't even imagine what that must have been like, to give birth on the stairs by yourself! You get bragging rights about that one for forever! Congratulations on your new baby boy, he is gorgeous!

  91. Congratulations!! Such an amazing start for an amazing little boy!

  92. This is...I don't have the right words. Amazing is an understatement. I am overwhelmed by the awesomeness and beauty of your story. Wow wow wow.

  93. I am speechless......

    and you are an amazing, quick thinking, talented woman.....

    Blessings to all of you.......

  94. That story is incredible. Wow! What an amazing and wonderful outcome! Congratulations!

  95. WOW! That is the most amazing birth story I have ever heard! You are incredible! I am so happy everyone is okay, and you have a beautiful baby boy!

  96. Despite the fact that everyone else has said the exact same thing, I cannot stop myself from reiterating: OMIGOD. You are AMAZING! That is a crazy story, you are SUPERWOMAN, a true heroine, and your family is beautiful. Congrats and many warm wishes!

  97. So amazing! congratulations!! He is precious and you are a super hero!!!

  98. A story that will be told for the rest of his life, The amazing birth of Thomas John. Congratulations.

  99. Wow, what an amazing birth story. Glad mom and baby are well.

  100. Oh, Erin! I cried from halfway through this all the way to the end. I am so amazed and inspired. Congratulations. And the photos are gorgeous!

  101. Absolutely amazing. It sounds like a movie or tv show - not something that would actually happen in real life! And you lived it! Congratulations! So happy you are both safe and you have a healthy son :)

  102. I have read this start to finish about five times now and am still amazed and teary. It's just SO COOL! You will have this story to tell for the rest of your life, and he for his. I love that Luke was right there and that you were comforting him as you were giving birth. THAT is superhuman; ONLY a mother could do that. Amazing amazing amazing.

  103. As someone who was two pushes away from delivering a baby in the front seat of a car, you are my hero. Congratulations.

  104. Congrats again, Thomas is precious.

  105. Congratulations! What a wonderful story and a great birth! That is so amazing! What a little superhero!

  106. this is an INCREDIBLE story!!! omgosh, as intense and insane as reading it was (you are a fabulous story teller by the way!) It tugged on the heartstrings of my uterus...just when I had decided I was good with TWO boys, you have me aching for another :D
    Congrats mama, you have done amazingly!!!

  107. Congratulations on the arrival of your precious little boy!! He certainly ensured that his arrival will forever be marked with an interesting and exciting story!!

    Your birth story is very similar to a friend of mine's, except at least she made it to the front seat of her car where she proceeded to birth her little girl in one push. :)

    Thank gosh for your two angels of EMT's. If it weren't for them, you probably would have remained naked for much longer while all of the men took some time to figure out how to help with the situation. :)

  108. Congratulations!

    I'm so glad all was well with you and your son. I had a similar birth experience, but it was a bit more traumatic before all was said and done. And if my experience is anything to go on, your son will live life at his own pace and in his own way. :)

    Again, congratulations.

  109. That is so freaking awesome! I love it! YOur pictures are gorgeous!

  110. this is amazing, my jaw is literally dropped! Congrats!

  111. That is an amazing story! Wow! That is going to be "The Story" to tell for years and years. The pictures are beautiful.

  112. Wow your super woman with rocket boy! :)

    Congratulations. And what a blessing to have Beth as your friend for such beautiful photos!

    I had one of those super fast births (my 5th) but was having a home birth so I didn't have to transport.


  113. So in love with him and you and this whole thing. Pictures are sob-worthy.


  114. Unbelievable birth story. Amazing. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family. And thank you for sharing this story with us. You had me crying my eyes out and laughing hysterically. Congrats!

  115. Holy moly! Congrats and thanks for sharing your story!!!

    (ps. I'm from LJ:))

  116. Wow, what a story! Congratulations!

  117. Congrats! What a great birth story that's one to remember always. :) I had my daughter alone in the bathroom a few months ago, in the caul like your son was too. And yep, feeling that water balloon is FREAKY. LOL

  118. Beautiful, Beautiful...

    Congrats on your newest blessing.
    Your birth story is amazing! So beautiful...

    Congratulations again...

  119. I have to say, I would have been quite impressed if you just said you gave your son a bath when you were 40 weeks pregnant. Wow!!! You truly are a superwoman. Congratulations!

  120. So perfectly awesome! Congratulations on your new baby - and your wonderful birth experience!!!

  121. What an amazing birth story! My friend posted the link on FB. Oddly enough I'm the owner of a website you have a blog tag for! (I won't spam here but I'll try to email you!) Congrats...thanks for sharing your awesome story.

  122. I'm delurking just to tell you that is the coolest birth story ever!!


  123. Sounds to me like you kept it together pretty well! I would have been a mess, for sure.

  124. Thanks for sharing your story! I am a friend of Jill Bredow's and saw her post about your story, and decided to check it out. WOW! What a story you have to tell! Praise the Lord that you and baby Thomas are so healthy and safe. You are an amazing mommy! Thomas is so beautiful. Enjoy every moment.

  125. What an amazing story. At least you got to have an intervention-free birth? Haha

    By the way, he is absolutely gorgeous-and that last picture is amazing. Frame worthy, I'd say.

    Congratulations, mama!

  126. Wow, this is a story that seems like it was written for a movie! Amazing. Congrats on your little miracle.

  127. HOLY COW!!! congratulations on safe delivery of a BEAUTIFUL baby.

  128. You are an amazing lady, congrats. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family.

  129. Congratulations! He looks absolutely adorable!

    Reading your story was complete deja vu to my daughter's birth two months ago - right down to the female paramedic part!

    Enjoy every second of your little Rocket Man!

  130. Holy cow, girl!! What an amazing story. Congratulations, he's beautiful! And congratulations to you for staying calm throughout the whole experience (naked in front of firefighters included). I hope you are enjoying your first few days as a family and are getting some rest :) Congratulations, again!

  131. Just so you know, someone said that "In Asia they say that if a baby is born in the caul that it is a sign of greatness and that his/her mother must have been very flexible of body, mind and spirit". And you are, right?

  132. So very cool. I love birth stories and this HAS to rank up there with one of the best! Congrats... he's beautiful!

  133. well hello. i am not sure how i stumbled across your story but it is, oddly, quite similar to mine! my son was born at home on accident - but my husband caught him. he was almost in the caul - my sac came out almost in tact the push before he did. we were also amazed at how CLEAN our baby was. :)

    this story is AMAZING; thank you for sharing it and congratulations on your gorgeous baby boy!

  134. I am blown away by your birth story. It's incredible and inspiring. I had no idea babies could even be born still in the amniotic sac. I would have totally and completely lost it had I been in your shoes (or should I say on your stairs?). ;) How awesome that you had the strength to recover your senses and deliver so spectacularly. Congratulations on your new little blessing!

  135. Congratulations again! What an amazing story and somehow I wouldn't expect anything less from such an amazing woman.

  136. What an amazing story! Congratulations!

  137. Absolutely amazing. I'm wowed! Congrats to you and your family!

  138. holy shmoly!! awesome story!! good for you!!

  139. What an unexpected, yet totally beautiful, "arrival."

    Congratulations to you and your family!

  140. Wow. What an amazing birth story. Just wanted to say when I orginally read this the other day it cheered me up because I was sitting in the ICU waiting on news of my grandma and this made me smile.

  141. Hi's BethH's soul sister... I am so in awe of your birth story and so very happy for you that Thomas is here safe and sound -- a Rocket Man indeed! :) You are truly a WO-Man! I look forward to meeting you and giving you a serious high five and a hug! Wishing you many sweet moments Momma of 2! ~JenniferH

  142. that is such an amazing birth story! so cool! good job mama!

  143. That is probably the most amazing birth story I have ever heard. I am crying. Amazing. Congratulations!

  144. I don't know whether to be jealous that he came so fast or absolutely horrified! Either way you are amazing! Congrats!

  145. This is my birth story for my second! Yogurt, bath, put baby in bed.... by the time my hubby got home and the in-laws arrived, I was ready to push. My hubby walked me to the stairs, then straight back into the bedroom, where I delivered my son into his hands. Neighbor was a fire-fighter, and the whole crew came, with flashing lights. Carried naked down the stairs by big hunks, with only a thin blanket on top, and the entire apt. complex out staring. I am so glad that I am no longer alone in this amazing experience! Thanks for sharing.

  146. Congrats!! That is the coolest birth story I have ever heard, just WOW!! What an amazing experience! He is just beautiful!


  147. WOW!!! That is the best birth story I've ever heard. Congrats on your new little one. May God Bless you and your entire family.

  148. Wow, that is quite a story and quite a way for a baby to enter the world! Congratulations to you and your family on a healthy baby boy!

  149. That is so completely cool that he was born in caul! I too have had an unassisted child birth, but mine was planned, so I know you were way more freaked out than I was when your babe was born and you caught him. Best wishes!

  150. What a great story! My son shares the birthday! (2007) congratulations! I am sure he will go through life with the same exuberance and determination that he showed coming in :)

  151. Ok I am so late getting by... CONGRADS and WOW... what a day, hu??? He is gorgeous, just gorgeous! Congrads again and I am off to catch up on the rest of your posts since... I have been away and slackin!

  152. That is just the COOOLEST STORY EVER! Congratulations. :-)

  153. Oh my goodness, that was amazing! You are amazing! You are my hero!
    You're story totally made me cry!

    Thomas is adorable! He had the same birth weight as our first son, Elijah.

    Thanks for sharing your birth story.

  154. Wow!!!! I am speechless! Congrats to you all!

  155. This is such an amazing story. You stayed so brave through it all too. I don't know what I would do. I just keep remembering the feeling of my contractions (in the hospital) going nuts and I don't think I could do it as amazing as you did. You are a hero for sure. Great job!

  156. Your story made me cry - such a beautiful birth!!

  157. Thanks for sharing your story. I laughed, I cried, I liked it better than Cats! Many blessings on your little rocket man. Kudos to one tough mommy.

  158. LOL - I was just reading through the entries on Future Mama's Mommy Moments contest and saw yours. There is NOOOOO way I can compete with you Erin! How can you not win?!

    Hope Tommy boy is doing well. Love and kisses to both boys.

  159. I am judging the Mommy Moment for Baby Making Machine -

    I absolutely love birth stories. You would never tell by my profession haha.

    What an amazing story! I want to have a labor like you ;)

    Great post!


  160. OMG CRAZY!!! I loved reading this though... I was on the edge of my seat!! thanks for sharing!!

  161. This is the most amazing, beautiful birth story. Each birth is so unique, of course, but yours is really exquisite. Thank you for sharing it!

  162. Wow! Congratulations! Your son is so beautiful, and that story is so powerful. I'm so glad to have read it and fond you through Design Mom! Thanks for sharing :)

  163. So so so amazing! I seriously think this is something I will never forget reading!

  164. I had tears in my eyes again today when I read this. What a great story!!

  165. I had tears in my eyes again today when I read this. What a great story!!

  166. You have the best birth story ever! I can't wait to meet you next week and just say I met you.

    Seriously crazy stuff~

  167. Wow!!! I just found your blog today. I have never heard a birth story to equal yours! I had to read this post over and over because it is so hard to imagine it all. You deserve some kind of major award! He is adorable!

  168. GREAT story. Thanks to your guest blogger Storming the Castle Heather for telling me about it!

  169. ....much after the fact, AWESOME. Good job mamma. -homebirth midwife

  170. I just found this and WOW, what an amazing story!! You are truly blessed :)


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