Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Balancing Act

At 38 weeks, I feel like my balance is precarious and not just because I've essentially got a bowling ball strapped to my stomach.
I have to go from the balance I've found in being a mom to one to being a mom to two. To be honest, it scares me just a bit. When Luke was a baby, we'd spend hours lying in bed, just staring at him. Now, we won't have those hours in bed because, well, we have Luke. And though that's great, I know it'll be different. Different good, though.
I'm transitioning from that balance of a working mom to a mom who has six months off of work and then has to go back to being a working mom. Likely kicking and screaming and not wanting to leave TWO kids, but knowing she has to do it. Again, I'll find that balance, but I worry about how hard it will be. Still, I'm going to enjoy it all, knowing that there will be days when both feet will be firmly on the ground, only to find that I wake the next morning reeling and holding on for dear life.

I'm at the stage where I see my midwife weekly now, which is great because I love my midwife, but not great because peeing in a cup has become the world's worst challenge (see: lack of balance). No further changes on ye olde cervical front, except that the baby's head is RIGHT there. Good job, baby.
I also met with my doula today who I love and adore and wish I could just call up to come over and give me back rubs and hugs without me having to be in labor.

As I'm waddling across the finish line, I should probably start asking for those baby guesses, huh? So, give it your best shot! What day will this one be born? Boy or girl? Weight?
To help you out a little, I went five days overdue with Luke. He weighed 9lbs, but I gained (gulp) 40 pounds with him. My official due date is July 16th. Anyone who guesses a date in AUGUST gets a punch in the face. Hard.


Unknown said...

What a great photo! Hmm, I guess July 13th. I don't know why but I have a feeling about it.

Mommy In Pink said...

Oh my, 38 weeks already, time flies! I wish you an easy labor and speedy recovery! So exciting!

Julie said...

OK: The official Julie guess is:

July 10th. Girl. 7.5 lbs.

Emilie said...

HOW are you able to do that? In FLIP FLOPS!?

Emilie said...


July 11 is the best I can do. I think girl. =)

Cameron said...

I cannot believe that photo. I would probably fall over if I tried to do it in sneakers and I'm not even pregnant, let alone 38 weeks and wearing flip-flops! GO YOU! Obviously you are a great balancer. :)

Oh, heck, lemme think: July 14th, boy, 7 lbs 13 oz.

E said...

I'm thinking Luke is going to have asister, and I have NO CLUE when you will go into labor! :)

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

Thinking July 15th... and thinking a boy though a girl would be precious! I remember the days of trying to successfully pee in a cup and it wasnt fun! Good luck to you!

Katie :) said...

ooo.. I love guessing games! So, I'm thinking July 4th (or very near after the holiday), girl, 7lbs 12oz.
I can't believe you're getting so close! I hope I'm able to make a trip down there some time to meet your new little one! :)

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

Girl. July 18th. 7lbs 3 ounces.

Abra Clampitt said...

Love the balancing picture and so appropriate with getting ready to balance your life. I think you are going to do awesome and kick a** at it all. :) I can't wait to see pictures of the little...girl- that's my guess. I went at 38 weeks with my little girl. Even though you were late with your first one, I am going to shoot for July 8. Soon we will see, right?:)

Such The Spot said...

I'm tempted to say August 10th just to goad you into punching me in the face. Cuz' then I'd make you buy me a margarita after to apologize.

Okay, but officially - July 19th. Boy. 8 lbs. 13 oz.

Candi said...

You look amazing. I still can't believe you're 38 weeks!

My guess (I suck at guessing): July 17th. 8lbs 6oz. Hm. I'll guess boy. But I'm even worse at guessing boy/girl. :)

InTheFastLane said... will keep on balancing. Cuz that is what mom's do. And if I were ever going to be pregnant again, I might hate you. I think I gained 60 pounds with EACH kid.

Anonymous said...

You will definitely take some adjustment time, but it will be ok. I know you'll be amazing!


swonderful said...

July 18th, 8ish pounds, girl. Because that is my grandma's birthday and she is one of my favorite people in the whole entire world.

Leah said...

7.5lbs, girl, July 17.