As he grows, so do his expressions, and the ever changing myriad of Luke faces make me smile.
There's the intense stare, which I rather think resembles a Buckingham Palace Guard.

There's the sleepy-faced baby boy, this face usually followed by a "night night."

There's the playful face, often accompanied with running or yelling.

There's the happy face, where you just know that he's glad you're there.

The intent face, when nothing else matters but the task at hand.

And my favorite, absolute favorite, the safe face. The one that tells me that he knows that he is loved and protected. The one that we should all be lucky to make every once in awhile.

Photos by Beth of Beth Fletcher Photography
Awww. He's so sweet, I love all his faces!!
Ok he is just too cute
From what I have seen of your face, I think you have very similar faces. What a cutie. I may have to stop looking and these pictures soon, though or I might do something drastic, like think I should have a 4th child or something...
Aww! I love this post. And his faces. :) He looks so much like the both of you. Such a precious little boy.
Very sweet!
what beautiful pictures! thanks for sharing your family. they are awesome! :) and i love the dimples!
Isn't it so very interesting the way a face can express so many different emotions... especially the perfect little face of a child. To have these emotions "captured" is nothing short of magnificent! These photos will always be so cherished...
Those are some GREAT faces!
These pictures are awesome...beth is so talented.
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