Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What I Read Wednesday

Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)
This is the third--and final--book in The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. If you haven't yet read it and want to, you're lucky because you can read it all the way through, instead of having to remember who the characters are in the first fifty pages are as I did. The premise is that angels and chimaeras and other other-wordly creatures exist and some of them are about to wage an all out war on humanity. After all, if angels arrived in our world, wouldn't we welcome them with open arms and not think that they have any ill intents? This conclusion definitely strongly carried the other two books. I would love to re-read them all at once, maybe this summer, because they were so good.

The Here and Now
Prenna is an immigrant. Not from another country but from another decade. She lives in a community of time travelers, governed by rules to keep them from being discovered as such. They traveled back in time to escape a ruined, plague-filled future. One rule is that members of her community can't fall in love with "time natives," those who haven't traveled back in time. Prenna, of course, does and together she and Ethan must work to change the future. The ending and certain parts felt a little rushed to me, but I still really enjoyed this book and it was an easy read.

The Land of Steady Habits
I love a coming of age story where those coming of age are middle age (see: American Beauty). Anders asks his wife Helene for a divorce, after a long marriage, after their children are grown, and after he's retired from his important job in financing because he just doesn't want to do it anymore. Put off by a year while Helene undergoes breast cancer treatment, Anders deals with the scorn of their old friends who paint him to be the bad guy. But as the novel unfolds and exposes the world behind the perfect suburban life through Helene's perspective and eventually their son Preston's, Anders isn't as awful as he first seems--or maybe he is, but everyone else is just as awful. I loved this one. It was an easy read, the characters were engaging and flawed and somehow so very human.

What are you reading?


  1. I have not picked up my book in 2 weeks...haven't had time - taking a vacation tomorrow since kids are on spring break, and holiday friday...hopefully with some down time I can pick it back up and finish it...still Dr. Sleep! It will get finished!!!

  2. Just started 'Thank you for your service' by David Finkel which follows soldiers who've returned from their deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's so, so sad.

  3. Just added The Land of Steady Habits to my want-to-read list!

    I finally finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I have to admit to being a bit disappointed. I was expecting something kind of amazing and instead I got something that was plodding and predictable. Sweet enough but not great.

    I'm also reading Come Be My Light - one of the few nonfiction books I work into my reading. This one is about Mother Teresa and it's a little heavy but beautiful.

    Starting Hollow City tonight - ready to revisit Miss Peregrine and the gang!

  4. I tend to wait until a whole series is complete so I can read them all at once. That way I don't have to go back and try to remember who is who and what happened when I read the book a whole year ago. I am adding Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone) to my summer reading list.

  5. I'm reading RLAM and TLAM again since I just met Sarah & Dimity. I need to find my running love again.

  6. I read The Wind is not a River. We've talked about this already, loved the story...but heartbreaking.

    Then read Astonish Me. There is something about the life of a professional ballerina that is incredibly fascinating, and disturbing. This was the same. And I enjoyed it a lot.

  7. Girl- thank you for reminding me I was waiting for the 3rd Daughter of Smoke and Bone book to come out!!!


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