Friday, May 18, 2012


It's hard to believe, but this guy had his last day of preschool today.
As in, he's so big that he'll be going full-time to Kindergarten in August.

I'm not going to lie, my heart was a little bit heavy as we walked into school this morning. Don't get me wrong. I'm so excited to see him grow and see where life takes him.
Watching his sense of style and being emerge has been an amazing journey for me. This year, he's really come into his own. We weren't worried about him on an intelligence level, because hey, we're both teachers. We'd already been working with him at home before he started preschool. Although I try not to be one of those people who brags about my kids all the time, I am super proud of him for receiving an above average score on his Kindergarten readiness testing. He scored in the 96th percentile for verbal skills! Socially, he's grown so much this year. He can still be shy sometimes, but he's much more outgoing and sure of himself. It's been great to see.
(He picked out that outfit all by himself.)

His teachers gave us a portfolio with all sorts of work he did throughout the year, plus a photo they took each month. My favorite was this series of self portraits that he did. The upper left was from September, the right from January, and the bottom left was done this month. I love how they've changed and become more person like as the year progressed!

Last year at this time, we were torn over what to do with preschool. There were so many choices, so many different programs. And then there was the option of not sending him. I mean, we certainly would've saved money. I spent a lot of nights fretting over it, but I'm so glad we made the choice we did. He ended up at an amazing preschool and I'm really going to miss his school and his teachers next year!

But something tells me that his Kindergarten journey is going to be pretty cool.


  1. I love his hair! Seriously. You got one cool kid right there. :)

  2. I cannot believe how big he is!! I also love how he has a full beard in that last drawing, too.

  3. He is getting so big! And I love his fashion sense, too :)

    Congrats! Kindergarten is SO much fun!

  4. That first shot of him is just precious. He couldn't be any cuter!

    Kindergarten is hard for us moms, but the kids grow and thrive so much. By this time next year you'll be wondering how he is already a 1st grader.


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