Thursday, October 8, 2009

You Capture: Red

'Tis the season for red, isn't it? Red mums, red leaves, red noses from the chill in the air.

Of course, I have the obligatory red leaves. I like these leaves because they're not yet all the way red, making me think (hope?) that maybe summer hasn't completely left us yet.

Then there's Luke in his new red coat ($10, thank you Old Navy!) about to get a piggy back ride at a nearby Arboretum. We spent an hour and a half hiking and running on Sunday. Tommy slept in the sling the entire time, and it was just a lovely way to spend the morning with my three favorite boys in the whole wide world.

I wish that this photo looked better, but I snapped it with my phone two seconds before I devoured this piece of RED velvet cake. It was amazing, but I'd already consumed roughly 8000 calories at dinner, so I'm pretty sure I suffered a minor heart attack after eating it. SO WORTH IT.

Finally, this is my favorite red lipstick. It is matte and very old Hollywood. Unfortunately, it is also very hard to pull off unless you are wearing the right outfit and eye makeup, so I only wear it about twice a year. As a testament to how little I wear it, I bought this tube four years ago with Leah (we walked into the MAC store and demanded that teach us to wear red lipstick), and it looks hardly used! Speaking of Leah, she's just beginning blogging again and is going through a tough time, so if you have a free moment, could you please swing by her site? I will love you forever!

I hope you enjoyed my red captures!


  1. I love, love, love red leaves. And the fact that I can just look outside into my back yard and see them. Great shots!

  2. I love that leaf picture.

    And now I want cake at 10:16am. Thanks. ;)

  3. Even with the blurry picture, that cake looks heavenly!

  4. Fun assortment of RED pictures!

  5. Sweet captures! Especially the red leaf, because hellooo I heart fall :)

  6. Lovely photos... can I have the cake though? =)

  7. I heart fall and fall leaves!! :) Can you believe I've never had red velvet anything?

  8. Beautiful red captures! I love them.

    And I so could sit next to that cake and not eat it.

    (I love making you irate.)

  9. Love the red leaves. Kansas leaves are mostly yellow.
    And your son and hubby picture is precious!

  10. You should totally use the lipstick more often! Gorgeous!

  11. I love love all the pictues and specially the red leaves, we need some like that in Texas =)
    Great Captures!
    "Here is my RED =)"

  12. I think we are soul sisters in the sweets department. See my post today... (ok, so it's pie, not cake, but you know what I mean...) ;D

    LOVE the lipstick shot!

  13. Love the red!

    I super duper love MAC makeup. I hope to one day be able to afford to wear it again. ha!

    And, I will refrain from calling you names like I did last week... but come on Erin... why must you post such yummy food every time I click over here to see pictures????

  14. yum the cake looks so worth 8000 calories on it own!

    I had a tube of MAC lipstick that was a dark eggplant, same problem...could easily have ended up looking like a vampire!

  15. Gotta love the sexy red lipstick!!!!

  16. What a fun family day! And that red velvet cake looks delicious to me!! Great captures!

  17. love your red! the leaves are gorgeous and the cake looks delish!

  18. Love the shots! And I need some cake.

  19. red velvet cake, my favorite! Great red shots.

  20. Love your lipstick!! Great captures.

  21. The red leaves are beautiful and that lipstick makes me think of a girl's night out on the town!

  22. I did enjoy your captures. Great job!

  23. Very cool photos. I forgot to put mine up today! Whooops! But it doesn't matter because these are great. I really like the first one.

  24. I DID enjoy your red captures - every single one of them. You're so creative and such a great photographer!


    I remember that day so well. Erin, that was FOUR years ago, the day you bought that lipstick. FOUR.

  26. Gorgous Red leaves...I live in Colorado so we have more yellow aspens, but I adore red leaves:)Where are you from?

  27. The lipstick is definitely borrowed from nature in all its glory! I love the jacket especially. When I opened your post and saw the leaf-turning-red, I was hoping to see the red jacket that's been in photos lately hugging the most precious little guy! The red velvet cake... whoa! Now that's a CAPTURE!

  28. That shot of the partially red leave is gorgeous! Nice bokeh!

  29. The obligatory red leaves are something I can't see where I am, so THANK YOU for that! And the lipstick, it's HOT. Nicely done!

  30. Oh my gosh I LOVE your red lipstick! How cool is that shade? Hot as can be : ) Perfect. And the leaves are so pretty. And your son is SO adorable!

  31. Boy, you're red-tinged leaves turned out WAY better than mine! Beautiful shots!


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