Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This Love

Sometimes I ask Luke crazy questions like, "Is your mommy the prettiest person ever?" or "What does it mean when I say I love you?" And sometimes I get ridiculous answers like, "Mommy is a pretty man," but sometimes I get answers like, "I love you means happy, mama."

The other night as we were driving home, I told Shane what I thought love was. Because really, how DO you describe love? But then I turned around to the two sleeping boys in my backseat, and oh. I described it.

Do you remember when you were a child, and you'd be driving home with your parents at night? Maybe they'd have the radio on or maybe they'd be talking softly, but you'd be tucked safely into your seat, drowsily watching the lights flash by. And you felt so SAFE, like safer than you've ever felt in your entire life--safer than you'll ever feel as an adult. You knew that you were protected and you were going home, and you knew that if you fell asleep in the car, your dad would carry you inside.
THAT is what I love you means.


  1. This gave me chills. Because I totally get what you are saying. I was JUST thinking about that the other night when we were driving home late with Audrey. We were talking quietly and she was asleep in the back and I thought "I love this moment."

  2. Yesssss! I completely know what you mean.

  3. Beautifully put! And i totally agree!

  4. Damn, Erin. Why do you do this to me? WHY? Every post makes me cry.

    I know exactly what you mean, I loved that feeling as a kid. I hope I can make Asher feel that safe and loved and at peace.

  5. Oh ya! And it's Christmas time and the window is freezing cold but the car is hot so you rest your forehead on it and watch all the Christmas lights fly by outside your window!
    I love this post!!

  6. I LOVED that backseat feeling from childhood...

  7. Your post reminded me of one of the happiest nights of my life. I must have been 4 or 5 years old and my family was traveling somewhere... I don't remember where. My brothers were sound asleep in the back seat... not seat belts way back then... and I was wide awake. My Mom asked me if I wanted to sit up front with her and my Dad. (Can you imagine that now? Front seat. Night time. No seat belts.) I jumped over the seat and tucked my head on my Mom's lap. I remember watching the moon outside the car window... following us wherever we were going. I felt so happy and safe and loved. My Mom stroked my hair and I was the center of the entire universe. I will never forget that night in the car with my Mom and Dad. Safe. Happy. Loved. Thank you for this memory!

  8. I DO know that feeling...and you are absolutely right!

  9. What an awesome post. I absolutely get what you are saying and totally agree.

  10. That is totally true. That's how I felt when I was with my parents. Love this!

  11. I think if you didn't know how it feels to be a mom - that's it right there. *hugs to those babas*

  12. PERFECT way to describe it...some days I'd give anything to feel that safe again...


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