Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day: His Story

The following is Shane's entire recollection of the night Tommy was born. I told him that I can't believe he didn't make fun of me more, but I love what he wrote. I hope you will, too.

After correctly predicting baby Luke coming out a boy--and “enduring” (happily) a 22 hour labor experience, I was ready for a baby girl (my prediction) and another longish labor. Little did I know…

In anticipation of Erin’s due date of July 16th, Erin, Luke, and I made a slew of enjoyable trips to Coffee Creek, where we walked a three-mile nature hike in order to get the baby ready and to avoid the 22 hour marathon labor--and of course, to enjoy a healthy birthing experience, which many don‘t have the fortune to experience. We walked the trail twice on Thursday, July 16th (Tommy’s due date), and Erin began having major signs later the next day. We were prepared to go to the hospital soon. I went to bed Friday evening in order to get some rest while Erin was taking a bath. She woke me up at 11:40 p.m. In order to get going to the hospital, I staggered around and quickly got dressed while Luke slept, and I made my way to the downstairs bathroom to put my contacts in. I had one contact in when Erin shouted to get upstairs. Next thing I knew, we were prepping for an unplanned homebirth. In addition, this lucky “veil” baby first appeared as a water balloon. We had no idea what that was at the time. Thus, Erin frantically mentioned how “I think we waited too long!” and I thought to myself “No shit!” We called 911; eventually, of course, Luke woke up as Erin made it to the landing of the staircase (at one point I shouted how we have to get Luke out of here, and Erin said, “There‘s no time!”), I was on the phone with 911, and the next thing we knew, Thomas John was born! Erin caught the baby, she announced the fact it was a boy, and I made an exhausted, excited attempt to tie the cord with my kitchen twine. The poor young saps from the Fire Department showed up, and it was a male-idiot fest while Erin held the baby on the stairs. Finally, the wonderful FEMALE EMTs showed up, I knew Erin and Tommy were fine, and I was the proud father (for the 2nd time) of a healthy baby. Although many called me “Doctor”, Erin really did most of the work. With regard to the grandparents, what really sticks out in my mind is Erin’s parents running up to the house (imagine pulling up and seeing an ambulance and fire trucks) and me announcing, “It’s a boy!” Neighbor Wally joined those of us on the lawn outside while the ambulance drove Mommy and Tommy off to the hospital. I called my parents shortly thereafter, and my mom kept asking me if Tommy’s birthday was 7/17 or 7/18, since he was born around midnight. I had no idea; one can understand I was not checking my watch through this…thanks to the 911 transcripts and me saying, “The baby’s out!”, we now know Tommy John’s birthday is officially 12:02 a.m., July 18th, 2009.

To end this unique and unpredictable experience, the “girl” ended up a boy, I witnessed a woman trying to keep the baby in as opposed to painfully push it out, and the anticipated 22 hour labor turned into 22 seconds. He had such a special entry into this world, he is destined--like his brother and his grandfathers (for whom Tommy John is named)--to be extra special.


  1. This made me laugh. Especially the part about all the males standing around. What a scene :) Glad no one seems overly traumatized by the whole thing.

  2. Very nice perspective. "Males standing around" is so true.

  3. i love hearing a birth from the father's perspective! They see things so differently than we do and so much more simply lol. I am so glad he shared with us!

  4. This was a great read.... love hearing it from a mans perspective!!

  5. What a great story. I loved hearing Shane's perspective.

  6. Fun to hear Shane's side of things! ;o)

  7. So glad that Shane wrote this for you to post! I didn't know the part about which day was his birthday, that's funny! I loved the part when he knew things would be okay when the women showed up, so funny and true! :)

  8. yay, shane! love this. male-idiot fest cracked me up. i'm not a male basher, at all, but when a guy says that (and i know how stunned the guy EMTs were) it's hilarious! =)

    and despite loving great doctors, the fact that erin did all the work still makes you the doctor.....and her the nurse. ; )

  9. t that he didn't know when he was born just that he was born healthy. Which is what really matters. I am glad that your family is doing well.

  10. Aww! That is just adorable. Yay for Shane! I'm so happy for you guys. :) Such the perfect little family!

  11. That story just continues to knock me out!!!

  12. this is awesome! Love his perspective so much! And so thankful everything turned out as well as it did, all things considered.

  13. The part about his birthday was so funny. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  14. This was awesome!

    Shane, you did a great job with this post. I love the bit about the female EMTs, but I have to tell you, my sister-in-law is an EMT, has no children and might have been as freaked out as those "male idiots" you described had she walked into that scene.

    You all did an amazing job and you have every right to be a proud papa and husband.

  15. Shane... your warmth, humor and love for your family is astoundingly perfect. I could read your "Story" over and over and over again... just as your sons will, someday! And they will LOVE that you wrote it.

  16. Thanks for sharing your perspective Shane! I love your comment about the male EMT's vs. female ones. Hee hee!

  17. His perspective is great. I am so glad he was there with you!

  18. I liked Lukes version better, it didnt make me cry! but it was awesome to read Shanes version, too :) Thanks for sharing!

  19. This is beautiful - I love it that you had him write out his recollection of the night. I still marvel at your Tommy's birth!

  20. I love this post. I laughed (and cried a little) all the way through. It was really fun hearing the story from Dad's perspective. Once again, congratulations on your beautiful baby and your forever unique and special birth story!

  21. I think it's so amazing to have Shane's record of the night your baby flew on to the scene!! How special the day will be when you can share it with Tommy!

  22. I love it! "male-idiot fest"...that cracks me up!

    I love that you had him do this. It was so wonderful to hear his point of view on it all.

  23. This is a great post, I love the part about the male EMTs.


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