Thursday, July 2, 2009

You Capture

This week's theme for You Capture was photographer's choice. I've been pretty blah about taking photos lately, mainly because I have no batteries in my camera and have been too lazy to get new batteries. Also, I had a root canal last Tuesday and spent the rest of the week holding the side of my face, whining, and taking pain killers plus antibiotics because my face was swollen. It was SUPER.
Luckily, I still managed to get a few decent shots with my phone, so it hasn't been a total loss!

What better subject for photographer's choice than my favorite little guy to photograph?
Even though he's my favorite, he's recently decided that sleeping is lame, after spending his entire life being a great sleeper. The fact that this is horrible timing for such a decision is a whooooole post for a different time, but it's resulted in him doing cute things like falling asleep in the car, which he hasn't done in forever.

We've been trying to do a lot of Luke things before the baby comes, so we took him to his favorite train restaurant. He was such a good boy and sat and ate first, but he could hardly sit still when his food came out on a TRAIN. I mean, can you blame him? I'd like a train to deliver my food every night, too.

Funny story about Luke. One of his first words was tootle, after the Little Golden Book Tootle because we read it eleventy-zillion times when he was a baby. As such, even though he knows that trains are trains and he knows the name of every Thomas the Tank engine (seriously, even the ridiculous names like Skarloey), he still mostly calls trains Tootles. Isn't that cute? I think so.
After he ate his cheese sandwich and mommy ate most of his chips (I had to balance out my salad), he very seriously pressed buttons on the model train set for somewhere around an hour.

And just for fun, here's one of me. Last Friday, I got to spend a day at the spa, thanks to gift cards from my wonderful husband and Leah. I had a massage, facial, pedicure, and a hair conditioning/style. The result was totally awesome hair and glowing skin, which I wish I could replicate daily, but sadly am not independently wealthy.


  1. I am also guilty of balancing my greens with my daughter's chips. I love that he says tootles for all the trains, even the ones he knows by name . . . too sweet, :-)

  2. I love the train story. What a little darling! And I love the train restaurant. I want to go there and play with the trains while you eat my chips. You will look back at these photos some day and re-love these moments with Luke all over again. And the "spa" shot? Oh, my. Continuing with the train theme, I looked like a train WRECK at the end of my pregnancies. You look like the romance of the Orient Express! I LOVE your photos and I LOVE your journey!

  3. Well aren't you cute? I love your hair in that pic!

    Sorry 'bout the sleeping issues but I love sleeping-in-the-car pics.

    And lunch delivered on a TRAIN? That would blow my boys' minds!

  4. Ohhhh, a spa day. How wonderful - you look fantastic!

  5. Luke is adorable and you look fantastic. I should look that good now let alone two weeks before giving birth. These are great captures.

  6. We are having sleeping issues in our house too. Makes for a cranky mommy. But I love your pictures of Luke. He is going to be a great big brother. And the picture of you is fantastic - very sassy and glam.

  7. luke looks so much like shane in the picture where he's sleeping. :)

  8. YOur little man is adorable. And I LOVE your hair!!!!

  9. I didn't read prior to looking at the pictures and I thought "What gorgeous hair Erin has in that last picture!" and then I saw that it was special haha. You do look beautiful!

    Joey LOVES trains too. He calls most trains "Clarabel train", I guess from the one book he has of Thomas that has that name in it. I don't know why he picked "Clarabel" instead of "Annie" or "Thomas" but I think it's really cute.

  10. Y'all are SO cute.
    And spa day? Jealous! You're glowing.

  11. I know I'D like my food delivered on a train everyday. That'd be sweet! and you look absolutely lovely!!

    Reminds me that I need a haircut!

  12. If only we could all be independently wealthy. *sigh*

    I love the pictures of Luke.

  13. how cool is getting your food served on a train? where do I sign up for that?!

  14. Oh, I love your pictures. How cute is your son. Love the story of his first word. I am surprised you can't go to the spa every day! I thought that super heroes made a lot of money : )

  15. That train restaurant is awesome!

    You look fantastic!

    Great shots!

  16. Cute pics and nice post. Luke looks a lot like you! :)

  17. Great pictures and I love the photo of you. Spahhhh. How nice. Well deserved.

  18. I remember the "train" craze with both of my boys. The train restaurant would have been a big hit with them. He looks so sweet zonked out in the car!

  19. What was in that cup in the first shot?! (Kidding.) He's too cute and you look great!

  20. Your hair looks so soft- I want to touch it : ).

    I took the kids to a train restaurant in St. Louis. I wonder if it's the same "train" but different location.

  21. Luke is SO cute. I can't wait to see your new (certainly beautiful) baby. Sigh.

  22. I love the sleeping picture. They look so cute falling asleep in the car.

  23. ERIN! All the times I have visited you and we have never gone to the train restaurant?! ;)

    I am glad Luke liked the train restaurant that place sounds like it was made just for him!

  24. I love your hair! Wish I had some curls.


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