Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You Capture: Food

Alternately titled: I eat nothing of nutritional value
So, uhh, I have a little dessert eating problem. If there's a 12 step program for sugar addiction, I need it, because these were all eaten in the past week.

Absolute deliciousness from: Paparazzi (glass of wine belongs to my husband, dessert is ALL MINE), Starbucks, Tonya's Patisserie, and Lucrezia.
Sometimes I make my husband order dessert when I can't decide what dessert I want. He doesn't really have a sweet tooth and would rather just drink a glass of wine while watching me inhale sugar. I love you, sugar. Whether I'm calling my husband sugar or declaring my absolute love for sugar in that last sentence, I'm not entirely sure. I'll let you decide whether I love him or the dessert more.

I haven't had a chance to check out the other You Capture posts yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing some more delicious photos!


  1. So, your desserts put my fair food to total shame! And now I must find me something sweet to eat. Um, thanks. ;o)

  2. Oh my that looks scrumptious. YUM is right!

  3. And you have gained HOW FEW pounds during your pregnancy? I just gained 3 pounds reading this post. I could hate you.

    (But I don't.) :P

  4. That starbucks looks sooooo good! Oh my. I haven't had one since I was pregnant (decaf baby!) but I want one now.

    Beth's You Capture this week is killing me. I am starving. :)

  5. The BEST part about your love of desserts is that it has rubbed off on me. I mean, I LOVED desserts always but I used to rarely get them in restaurants. But now every time I go out to eat I think I should get dessert because I know if you were with me, I would! And so, I do!

  6. I still haven't tried Tanya's, but now I'm going to have to! And I now think it's been too long since I've been to Lucrezia, too....

  7. Oh, I love me some sugar, too. I don't get people who don't have a sweet tooth... they'll be like, "I'd rather have a steak." And I'm like, "!?!?!?!?!?"

    It doesn't compute.

  8. YUMMMMM. I have a bad sweet tooth, too. Unfortunately for me, I gained a ton of weight while pregnant.

  9. Is your baby active? With all that sugar, I bet she/he is bouncing up and down. Yum Yum! I just might skip dinner tonight and start with dessert.

  10. Um, I think it is about time I take a dessert-themed road trip to Valpo...

  11. You adorable tiny little thing, how do you eat this and still be such an adorable tiny little thing? All your teeth are sweet, huh? I am a weirdo and would rather eat an entire jar of olives than dessert. Please still be my friend.

  12. My swet of choice is ice cream! Can you call me sugar too?

  13. please tell me what frappucino that was because I am hoping it was a carmel light one...I just adore those! :)

  14. please tell me what frappucino that was because I am hoping it was a carmel light one...I just adore those! :)

  15. Um, I have a BIG problem with desserts. Sweet stuff in general. I need it And now I wantS0tarbucks after looking at your post. Thanks. :)

  16. um, just so you know, I just sat here staring at those pictures, screaming "I WANT!" in my head. ;)

    also, you know you were totally referring to the desserts, not shane. ;p

  17. I was staring at those pictures wanting it all.

  18. You and I are kindred spirits in this department. I could have EASILY eaten all of those things myself. No prob. Now I'm salivating over here and about to lick my laptop.

  19. This baby's middle name should be SUGAR. Or, at least, nickname. Your Capture this time is incredibly perfect. It is REAL. Now excuse me while I go for a run to work them off!

  20. OMG you're evil. E-VIL! I want every last thing here. AND I CAN'T! DIETING! AHH!


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