Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: First Snow

Yesterday morning, we woke up to a lot of unexpected snow! As a general rule, I hate snow, but going out to play with Luke in the afternoon made me like it a little bit more (but only a little bit).

(I hate that I leave for work when it's still dark!)


  1. Oh my goodness! they told us it was going to snow here yesterday but thank goodness it didn't. I am NOT a cold weather person!

  2. But his hood is sooo cute, that is makes it worth it...right?

  3. I can't believe you have snow. That is too much for me. I will stay here in the South - it is cold here right now. I moved away from NY to stay away from the cold, maybe we need to move to Florida.

  4. SNOW!!! Yuck!

    Cute pictures though...


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